  • 學位論文


An empirical study on the learning effects of statistical correlation concepts for high school students using the Simulation Assisted Statistical Understanding system

指導教授 : 劉子鍵


本研究之目的為: (1) 瞭解高中生應用「模擬輔助統計理解系統」(簡稱SASU)後,於統計「相關」概念的學習成效(以迷思概念個數為指標);(2) 分析高中生在應用SASU前後,其在統計態度的改變情形; (3) 探究高中學生應用SASU進行統計學習之學習歷程與思考方式。 本研究主要結論如下: 一、迷思概念影響學生的學習歷程 SASU系統中的每個活動皆有其相對應的迷思概念,而迷思概念的類型會影響學習者操作SASU的歷程。就相同類型的迷思概念而言(例如皆是源自於對正相關的不理解所產生的迷思概念),其中一個迷思概念若可透過SASU系統中的教學活動釐清,將有助於SASU系統中另一個相同類型之迷思概念的學習。 二、學生的學習策略與SASU效用間具有交互作用 學生於迷思概念個數的差異,對其學習歷程中的學習策略會有不同的改變,因為學生可能透過活動的操作使概念越趨於正確。學生操作SASU的組態共包含了概念正確型、學習有效型、粗心大意型、策略作答型、歸納能力不足型、遷移能力不足型和學習散漫型,不同組態的學生會使SASU系統所能發揮的效用有所不同。 三、SASU有助於學生學習抽象的統計「相關」概念 SASU系統在科技方面是以電腦模擬為基礎;在教學內容方面採取「概念改變模式」,實驗結果顯示,SASU可增加學生之學習成效,且能延續一個月的教學成效。 四、SASU有助於改善學生學習統計的態度 有別於一般課堂上的學習,SASU將評量題目與日常生活結合,使學生體驗學習統計之實用性,進而產生興趣。實驗結果顯示,SASU能夠提升學生正面面對統計的態度。


統計態度 模擬 迷思概念 統計教育 相關


The objective of the present study is to (1) investigate the learning effects (with misconception index) of statistical correlation concepts for high school students using the Simulation Assisted Statistical Understanding (SASU); (2) analyze the attitude change in high school students towards statistics before and after using SASU; (3) and examine the learning process and thinking methods of high school students using SASU in learning statistics. Results of the present study are as follows: 1.Students’ learning process is affected by misconception Every activity in the SASU system focus on a specific misconception, the process of using SASU was affected by misconception. For misconceptions of the same category ( for instance, misconceptions originated from not understanding positive correlation ) , if one misconception can be clarified through teaching activities in the SASU system, other misconceptions in the same category was easier to learn. 2.An interaction effect was present between students'' learning strategy and SASU effects Learning strategies are affected by individual differences in misconception, as concepts can be clarified through operating in activities. Students were divided into different groups to use the SASU, including correct concept group, effective group, careless group, strategic group, lack of induction group, lack of transference group and lazy group. The SASU system demonstrated different effectiveness for students in different groups. 3.SASU was effective in assisting students understand the abstract concept of correlation in statistics The SASU system was based on computer simulation technology, and conception change method in teaching. Results indicated SASU was effective in improve students’ learning effects, and sustain the effects for a month. 4.SASU was effective in improving students’ attitude in learning statistics Unlike usual classroom teaching, everyday situations were incorporated into SASU assessment questions, allowing students to appreciate the practicality of statistics and in turn, to develop an interest. Results showed SASU was effective in improving students’ attitude towards statistics.


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