  • 學位論文

電子投票與民主參與 -以英國之實驗經驗為借鏡

Electronic Voting and Democratic Participation -The Lessons from Recent British Experiments

指導教授 : 王明禮


2004年總統大選重新驗票事件耗費難以計數之社會成本,政局上的不安也造成人心浮動,或許多歸咎於選民、政治人物民主素養之不足,但也不應否認傳統投票的許多缺點的確為諸多紛爭之導火線,我國有必要探尋是否有發展電子投票之需求存在,而如果有發展之必要性,那麼即須規劃適於我國的電子投票政策。次者,許多國家期望藉由電子投票來提升投票率,依目前國外實施經驗來看成效並不如預期,然何以從英國純郵遞投票實驗計畫卻發現能顯著提升投票率,究竟提供便利的投票方式能否吸引選民的注意,有必要深入討論之。 本研究之目的即在分析國內當前選務發展狀況,了解實務運作上產生什麼樣的困境,進而參考英國電子投票實施成效,為我國規劃電子投票的發展政策及附帶建議,期望提供選務機關做為未來施政的參考。


The vote recount in the 2004 Presidential Election consumed incalculable social costs, and the ensuing political turbulence also led to social disorder. This situation may be attributed to the lack of democratic education among the electorate and the political figures. However, it cannot be denied that the drawbacks of traditional elections were surely the causes of numerous disputes. Thus, it is necessary for our country to investigate whether we need to adopt electronic voting. If such development is necessary, we need to construct an electronic voting policy tailored for our country. Besides, many countries have expected to enhance the voter turnout rates by electronic voting. In light of foreign experiences, the efficacy is not as good as expected. However, it could be discovered that the turnout rates were significantly raised under the British All-Postal Voting Pilot Scheme. Thus, whether this convenient voting method could attract more voters’ attention should be further investigated. This study aimed to analyze the current domestic development of election affairs to find out the predicament in practical operations. Furthermore, the efficacy of the electronic voting scheme in UK would serve as reference and suggestion for the development our own electronic voting system. The research findings were also expected to be the reference for the executive branch and future policy-making.


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