  • 學位論文


Analysis of Dynamic Response of the Viaduct Taiwan High-Speed Railway Due to Passage of Rolling Stock

指導教授 : 王仲宇




Riding comfort or vehicle response is an important issue that should be taken into account in the design and maintenance of high-speed railways. Since the high-speed trains can travel at a speed much higher than the vehicles moving on highways, making it possible for the excitation frequencies to coincide with the vibration frequencies of the bridge, resulting in the so-called resonance phenomenon. This paper discusses the resonant vibration of high-speed railway system due to the actions of vertical forces and transverse forces applied by wheels. The dominant frequencies of periodically vertical loading moving at various speeds are analyzed first by a new method proposed in this paper. The natural frequency of the first mode in vertical direction of a high-speed railway bridge is identified from its ambient vibration signal by the FFT and HHT methods. Then a range of resonant speeds of the train can be evaluated. To identify resonant frequencies by the transverse loading due to the hunting motion of bogie, the wave length of the motion path of wheel pairs and the inclined contact angle between the wheel and track are used as the parameters. Frequency- velocity relations for wheels freely and constrained turning are calculated. Those natural frequencies of the transverse modes of bridge identified from ambient vibration measurements are used to evaluate the range of critical speeds of the bridge causing transverse resonance.


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