  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship between job performance and career success: the moderating effects of coaching behavior

指導教授 : 林文政


伴隨著社會環境與個人價值觀的變遷,組織及個人對於「職涯」的觀點亦逐步演化,為更深入的探討職涯成功,本研究以「晉升力評分」代表強調向上晉升的傳統職涯成功;以「移動力評分」代表其強調在組織內部水平移動的無疆界職涯成功,將傳統職涯成功與無疆界職涯成功同時納入研究架構之中,使研究架構更臻完整。 同時,過往探討組織促進職涯成功的觀點,多分別探討競爭性流動與贊助性流動對職涯成功的影響,惟交互作用學派認為,組織行為是一個特定的人與某個特定情境交互作用的結果,探討組織行為必須同時考慮個人與情境因素。因此,本研究以「工作績效」作為競爭性流動層面的職涯成功預測變數;並以「主管教練行為」為贊助性流動層面的變數,探討其對於上述關聯性的調節效果,俾能更全面探討職涯成功的影響要素。 本研究採跨產業樣本蒐集之方式,由48家企業共回收183 份有效問卷,透過實證研究驗證各變數之間的關聯性,並以階層迴歸分析探討任務性績效、適應性績效對晉升力評分、移動力評分的解釋力,同時關注於主管教練行為對上述關係間存在的調節效果。研究結果說明,工作績效對於職涯成功的影響,主要來自於適應性績效的影響力;而主管教練行為則可正向調節上述關係,在高主管教練行為的情境下,會強化適應性績效對職涯成功的影響效果。


As the changing of social environments and personal value, organization and person are modifying the perspective of “Career” step by step. In order to study the career success intensively, this study uses “ Promotability ratings” as the traditional career success, which emphasizes the upward promotion; in addition, this study uses the “Rating for Intra-organization Mobility” as the boundaryless career, which put emphasis on the moves in the organization. Considering the completeness, our research construct consists of both traditional and boundaryless career success. This study involves 48 various companies from multiple industries, and 183 valid questionnaires were collected; in addition, we adopted the hierarchical regression analysis to test the relationship among job performance, adaptive performance, rating for Intra-organization mobility and promotability ratings. We further study the moderating effect of coaching behavior. The result shows that job performance affects the career success through the influence of adaptive performance; in addition, the coaching behavior has the positive effect to moderate the above situation. The more intense coaching behavior, the higher influence toward the career success adaptive performance is.


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