  • 學位論文


The development and evaluation of the Online Science Reading System

指導教授 : 吳穎沺


科學教育的目的在於增進國民的科學素養,而科學素養的主要內涵包含了科學知識、對於科學本質的理解、科學過程技能、思考技能以及對科學的態度與科學態度。閱讀是一個跟科學有關的活動,能夠仔細地、批判地閱讀是成為一個科學家不可或缺的一部分,更是一個公民須具備的基本素養。本研究旨在開發一個「網路科學閱讀系統」(Online Science Reading System,OSRS)輔助國小教師進行科學閱讀活動之教學,並且提供透過多元閱讀理解策略幫助學生進行科學閱讀活動之學習。本研究也進一步評估OSRS是否能符合國小教師的教學需求。在進行系統評估時,本研究採用便利取樣方法,針對62名國小教師進行問卷調查,並蒐集受訪教師的背景變項以及系統操作回饋。研究結果發現受訪教師對於OSRS所提供的教學與學習鷹架功能在知覺有用性、知覺易用性和使用意願皆給予正面回饋,且認為OSRS有助於教師與學生進行科學閱讀之教與學。本研究進一步從問卷中獲得受訪教師對「網路科學閱讀系統」的改善建議,包含增加認知鷹架功能,加強互動與溝通鷹架功能,介面設計需貼近國小學生的理解程度。最後,本研究依據結果與討論提出教學實務、系統設計及未來研究之建議。


Science reading is regarded as one of the valuable ways to develop students’ scientific literacy. To scaffold teaching and learning in science reading in elementary school, this study aimed to develop the Online Science Reading System (OSRS). Multiple reading comprehension strategies are integrated and designed as learning scaffoldings in the OSRS. After developing the OSRS, the current study further conduct a series of system evaluations on the OSRS. A total of 62 elementary teachers were invited to use the OSRS and evaluated the OSRS with a quantitative survey developed in this study. This study found that the participant teachers expressed satisfactory perceived usefulness and ease of use of the OSRS, and were highly interested in using the OSRS in their science fair instruction. Also, they highly recognized the usefulness of both the instructional and learning scaffoldings provided in the OSRS. The teachers’ responses on open-ended items of the questionnaire also provides helpful comments on the further development of OSRS. Based on the findings in this study, implications for educational practices, system design, and future research are suggested.


臺灣PISA 2009 結果報告,臺灣PISA國家研究中心主編,2011,心理出版社,台北市。
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