  • 學位論文


A Study on the System of Public Servants Secondment

指導教授 : 張桐銳


公務人員借調制度之研究 摘要 在全球化的時代,隨著經濟與社會的快速發展,人民對政府提供公共服務的需求日益增加,各國政府也積極追求行政效能的提升,以增加人民對政府的信任感,而為了能彈性地因應機關業務或政務執行之需要,便發展出諸多對公務人力資源彈性管理運用之方式。 公務人力之彈性管理方式種類繁多,舉凡調任、借調、派遣、兼職、移撥、支援等等不一而足。上述各方式在法律上或人力資源管理上有何差異?各有何利弊?以及此種彈性管理方式將對公務人員造成何種影響?以及其中衍生之爭議為何?本文擬以借調制度為主,藉由此種因暫時改變公務人員服務機關,卻又不變更其和本職機關間之法律關係的彈性管理方式,透過此一彈性管理色彩較為濃厚之人事管理行為,予以分析公務人力彈性管理的特性以及所衍生之法律問題,並希望藉此分析出上述政府彈性用人及運用公務人力之方式,在其運作之過程會產生何種弊端,對借調人員之服公職權和考績產生何種影響?並與歐盟和美國之借調制度做比較,尋找可借鏡之處,分析其是否能作為我國修法上之建議?茲將於本文討論之。 關鍵詞:人力資源管理、公務人力之彈性管理、借調、調任、移撥、兼職、考績、服公職權。


A Study on the System of Public Servants Secondment ABSTRACT By LI, LU-SYUAN May 2014 Advisor: Dr. CHANG, TUNG-JUI Graduate Institute: INSTITUTE OF LAW AND GOVERNMENT Degree: MASTER OF LAWS In the era of globalization, with the rapid development of economy and society, the government provision of public services the growing needs of the people, governments are also actively seeking to enhance administrative efficiency in order to increase the sense of the people's trust in government, and in order to be able to flexibly due to business or government agency needs to be enforceable, they develop a lot of flexibility for public human resource management and utilization of the way. Flexible management methods of public human are variety, covered the transfer, secondment, dispatch, part-time, shift dial, support, and so forth. What are the differences in these parties is human resource management or the law? What are the pros and cons of each? Such flexible management approach and what impact will the Public Service? Why and where disputes derived? This article is intended to be seconded system mainly due to a temporary change by such public servants serving agencies, but do not change the legal relationship between the flexible management of their way and their own bodies, through which a flexible management of personnel management more intense color behavior, flexible management features are analyzed and the legal issues arising from the dispute and want to lend out the above analysis and the use of official government employment elasticity of human manner, will produce what kind of malpractice in the course of its operation,? what the impact on personnel of public service right and merit of professional performance ? And to compare the secondment system with the European Union and the United States , looking to learn from the system, and to analyzed whether the amending suggestions are worthy of learing for Taiwan? Hereby will be discussed in this article. Keywords: Human resource management, manpower flexibility management of public servants, secondment, transfer, dial-shift, part-time, merit of professional performance, Public service right.


