  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


半導體製程中常需要使用到許多酸鹼性、易燃性等氣體(例如:SIH4、HF等),這些危險性高之氣體經製程步驟後產生大量廢氣,須藉由後段局部尾氣處理設備(Local Scrubber)進行處理,改善危害物質與特性,降低汙染因子後排至環境,減少對空氣品質之影響。半導體廠房多為24小時不間斷生產,為保持局部尾氣處理設備功能正常並持續運轉,皆委託駐廠之廠商作業人員定期進行保養,但因機台設備類型與結構差異性,保養之期程與時間亦有所不同,為確實依保養期程進行作業,常因傳統人工指派排班方式導致保養人員作業時數不平均之情形,長久下來時數差距會日漸擴大,產生心態不平衡反彈聲浪,因此管理者要在半導體廠房內現有的機台設備狀況下進行適當人力調度派遣則為重要之課題。 本研究以新竹科學園區某半導體公司為範例,針對廠房內現有局部尾氣處理設備機台數、保養期程與作業廠商人數、出勤模式等制定各類參數,利用0-1整數規劃方法建構一套數學最佳化之模式,並使用LINGO9.0套裝軟體求解保養局部尾氣處理設備之作業人員最平均作業時數與人力指派最佳化結果。經研究分析比較,本模式比傳統人工指派排班公平性提升79%,而排班時間效率更提升99.2%,可做為半導體公司對於局部尾氣處理設備保養人員進行人力指派實務上之參考應用。


The acidic and alkaline gases, as well as the flammable gases (such as SIH4, HF, and etc.) are often used in the semi-conductor processes. These dangerous gases generated large amount of exhaust gases after going through the process steps, which must be treated with local scrubber, so as to improve the hazardous substances and characteristics, reduce the pollutants discharged to the environment, and relieve the impact on the air quality. The semi-conductor plants are mostly in 24-hour operation. To keep the local scrubber work normally and continuously, the plants entrust the on-site manufacturer’s operation personnel perform maintenance periodically. However, the maintenance schedule and time vary with the equipment types and structural difference. To guarantee the maintenance operation follow the schedule, it often results in uneven operation hours due to the traditional manpower assignment. The operation hours will show larger gap in long terms, and it will lead to the voice of the unfairness among the employees. Therefore, it is an important issue for the managers to dispatch and assign manpower appropriately under the condition of the existing machines in the plant. By taking a semi-conductor company located in Hsinchu Science Park as an example, the study works out various parameters for the existing local scrubbers in the plant, maintenance schedule and operating manufacturer number, and attendance model. It constructs a mathematic optimization model by using 0-1 integer programming method, and calculates the solution for the most even operation hours and manpower optimization results of the local scrubber maintenance personnel by using the LINGO9.0 software package. After the analysis and comparison in the study, it shows this model improves 79% than the traditional manpower assignment in terms of the assignment schedule fairness, and increases 99.2% in terms of the schedule time efficiency. It can provide reference for the semi-conductor companies in the practice of assigning manpower for the local scrubber maintenance.


