  • 學位論文


The Study of Permeable Pavement of Carbon Footprint System Construction

指導教授 : 林志棟


從十九世紀工業革命時代開始,人為所製造的空氣汙染與溫室氣體排放量不斷攀升,加速了全球暖化與各地氣候異常變化,對環境造成巨大的衝擊與變遷。全球環境已逐漸異常變化,而暖化已成為現今最重視的熱門話題,而對於最貼近人民的土木工程而言,臺灣道路遍布各個地區,且不透水性鋪面容易造成熱島效應產生。 故本研究針對混凝土製品其範圍主要限定應用於透水性鋪面之工程,包含底層使用透水混凝土及傳統級配;面層使用多孔隙瀝青混凝土與一般瀝青混凝土作比較。依循該項混凝土製品之產品類別規則(Product-Category Rules, PCR)設定其計算邊界,從搖籃到大門(Cradle to gate)為評估混凝土製品範圍,並建立透水性鋪面碳足跡計算方式,利用電腦系統方式建立透水性鋪面碳足跡之評估系統。 研究結果指出混凝土製品各階段之碳排放量計算影響最大因素為配合設計結果之原料比例;生產一噸多孔隙瀝青混凝土製品,從原料階段到瀝青混凝土廠生產階段共產生186.38 kg CO2-e/T。本研究建置透水性鋪面碳足跡系統係為精簡化計算程序,亦可計算不同類型鋪面之二氧化碳排放量。 透水性鋪面體感舒適性指標之結果顯示,四種斷面以酷熱指數於高溫與透水性鋪面不含水之狀態下,其酷熱指數並無顯著差異;含水之狀態下,傳統級配斷面之酷熱指數>透水混凝土斷面之酷熱指數(Heat Index, HI)。 透水性鋪面節能減碳之效益評估分析結果顯示,假設當月以最高溫37.9度作簡化換算碳排放量得知,三種斷面與傳統級配之碳排放量差以斷面三(C-40碎石級配)之差距最大(122.71 kg CO2-e/月)。


Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in nineteenth century. Artificially manufactured air pollutions and emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise, which accelerated global warming and the climate anomalies, causing huge impact on the environment and climate changes. The global environment has gradually changing abnormally, and global warming has become the most important topic nowadays. Pavement engineering is the most close to daily life in civil engineering. As roads spread all over the region in Taiwan, the traditional pavement (DGAC) is easy to causing urban heat island effect. This study is mainly for concrete products defining the scope of the project applied to permeable pavement, compare using permeable concrete and traditional grading in pavement sub-base; Porous asphalt concrete and general asphalt concrete in surface layer. Follow the concrete products’ category rules (Product-Category Rules, PCR) to set the calculation boundary. From cradle-to-gate is the range of evaluating concrete products. Establishing the calculation method of carbon footprint in regard to permeable pavement. Utilizing the computer systems to build an evaluation system of carbon footprint of permeable pavement. This study concluded that the biggest factor affecting the carbon emission calculation in the various stages of concrete product is the proportion of raw materials in mix design result; producing one ton of porous asphalt concrete from raw materials stage to the production stage in asphalt plant can generate 186.38 kg CO2-e/T in total. This study established not only a streamlining calculation procedure for carbon footprint of permeable pavement, but also provide a decent way to calculate carbon emission of different types of pavement. The permeable pavement’s somatosensory comfort index result showed that the heat index for four sections did not show significant differences under circumstances of high temperature and water-free status of permeable pavement; the heat index of traditional grade section is higher than the index of permeable pavement if contain water. The benefit evaluation analysis of permeable pavement’s carbon reduction revealed that section III(C-40 crushed stone grade) has the largest carbon emissions gap between with traditional grade section (122.71 kg CO2-e/month) in all three sections assuming the highest monthly temperature is 37.9℃


