  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳介豪 王翰翔




The study purpose is to streamline the existing Class D hazardous system that has been affected practitioners for decades, especially in preparation and review process of necessary documentations. The study conducted domain expert interviews and held two focus group meetings to investigate and collect experts’ opinions on the potential directions of reforming the review system and simplifying application documents for Class D Hazardous workplaces in Taiwan. The findings include: (1) reorganizing and revising current construction plans and construction safety assessment reports using risk assessment tables as the basic structure; (2) incorporating owners, architects and engineers, supervising contractors as well as professional construction management contractors into a construction safety assessment team; and (3) evolving the current review and approval system to a system in which assessment documents are delivered to occupational safety inspection authorities for references. For those conclusions which require amending current laws and regulations, the study categorizes them as mid- and long-term goals, and outlines the general thoughts of implementing these conclusions that can be referred to when the government drafts related administration plans in the future. Further studies on how to put the findings into practice are necessary to determine the detailed implementation steps and strategies.


[7] 中華民國,職業安全衛生管理辦法。
[9] 中華民國,營造安全衛生設施標準。
[12] 林楨中、陳彥翰,〝五國營造工程職業災害防止策略之比較〞,勞工安全衛生研究季刊,民國97年6月,第16卷第2期,第135-151頁。
[23] 日本國,労働安全衛生法。
[24] 日本國,労働安全衛生規則。
