  • 學位論文


A Study of the Protection on Fatal Occupational Accident for Labor in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 郝鳳鳴


職災補償為攸關勞工生存權之重要議題,亦為「勞工保險」研究之重要議題,本研究從「勞工保險」面向,探討我國勞工面臨重大職災時,現有職災補償制度之缺點,分析罹災勞工家庭實際需求,探討修法於現有「勞工保險」職災給付項目中,調整提高給付金額至「勞基法」第59條補償水準,強制特定高職災風險職業之雇主,義務為該類別勞工納保(亦即將目前「勞工保險」職災給付與「勞基法」第59條間之法定職災差額補償責任,由提高給付之「勞工保險」完全取代,雇主無須再支付「勞基法」第59條之法定職災補償責任),以社會有限資源,優先照顧經濟弱勢且高職災風險之勞工,保障重大職災罹災勞工家庭之生活機能,維護生存尊嚴,並降低雇主企業經營風險,增加勞雇間合諧關係。 本研究於法律面,從「比例原則」、「平等原則」面向,檢驗上述強制納保措施之「合憲性」,並收集「職災補償真實案例」,進行六件個案資料分析探討,再就本研究相關議題,以質性研究之「深度訪談」方式,訪談勞委會「職災勞工個案主動服務計畫」經費補助之高雄市政府勞工局資深「職災個案管理員」及高風險行業之營造業相關經驗管理人員三位(共計六位),探討實際重大職災發生後,高職災風險勞工及眷屬,其面臨問題及建構此「完全抵充勞基法職災給付」之可行性與問題,經彙整分析,提出以下研究結論及修法建議供參考: 一、提高勞保重大職災給付至勞基法59條水準,並規定雇主義務為特定高風險勞工加保,應可通過合憲性 檢驗。 二、定義本研究之勞工保險「重大職災」,應衡量罹災勞工受傷失能或影響原工作能力之嚴重程度,不 宜僅以職災受傷人數多寡而為定義。 三、應有降低保險費率配套措施,減低實施阻力。 四、提高「勞工保險」投保薪資分級,降低雇主承擔風險。 五、職災補償金額提高、年金化及社會保險化。


The occupational accident compensation is important topic for labor right to life, it is also one of the important research topic of labor insurance ﹒The research discusses shortcoming of the existing compensation system when our country labors faced with the weighty occupational accident, and analysis the physical demand from labor family suffered disasters, the Researcher had a discussion on setup an item “additional insurance” based on the rule 59 in labor standards act, and nation to legislate for employer to insure compulsory insurance for specific risk labor, in order to safeguard. The economics of labor's family quickly, and reduces the employer risk of enterprise operational, increases the harmonious relations of between labor and employer. The researcher examine the constitutionality, discuss the function of additional insurance, and to execute qualitative depth interview in the final chapter,the researcher adopts in-depth interview with the case manager of family assistance program(FAP)of council of labor affairs to discuss the labor's problem of occupational accident and labor insurance. After the researcher proposed the following conclusions from the interview and discussion: 1.The compulsory insurance passed in the constitutionality examination. 2. The definition of “weighty occupational accident” in the compulsory insurance , it shall weigh the order of severity of disaster not pure amount of wounded. 3. The government to carry out the compulsory insurance should bring supplementary measure of insurance premium. 4. Labor Insurance should increase insured coverage. 5. To improve the insured salary grade of Labor Insurance.


18.曾美惠著,「各國職災勞工復工計畫推動之現況成效及檢討」,勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所 ,2007年3月。
