  • 學位論文


When “Millet Wine” Confronts with “Taiwan Beer”: Study On The Child Care of Alishan Tsou Tribe Aboriginal

指導教授 : 王舒芸


因部落分散、交通不便、政府資源挹注不足、民間幼托園所利益考量等,造成原鄉原住民族與都市的幼托環境有顯著的落差。更重要的是,臺灣目前幼兒照顧政策,仍以漢民族為本位,未依原住民文化脈絡制定適合的幼兒照顧方案,如同制度霸凌;可惜的是,臺灣以原住民為主體,傾聽原鄉幼兒照顧期待的研究相對欠缺。因此,本研究試圖以原民為主體,描繪原住民的在照顧偏好、及家戶資源對於幼兒照顧的影響,瞭解幼兒照顧相關政策與部落照顧經驗間的關係,以提供相關幼兒照顧政策之建議。 本研究採用訪談及參與觀察的方式蒐集資料。訪談部分,研究者走訪阿里山鄒族部落(山美、新美、茶山、來吉、樂野、特富野、達邦、及里佳),訪問家中育有6歲以前幼兒的家長、幼教人員、熟諳傳統文化者以及於部落推行幼兒照顧方案之機構,以他們自身經歷描述對原鄉幼兒照顧的觀察,與不同文化下的照顧現況與期待。參與觀察部分,因研究者本身於部落已有七年多的時間,田野觀察筆記亦用以補充訪談不足之處。 研究發現:(一)在照顧偏好方面,除了考量信任與經濟因素外,更重要的是文化,文化隱藏於照顧偏好中,貫穿了整本育兒經的軸線。(二)在家戶照顧資源方面,分為(1)性別分工會依就業型態而不同;(2)部落媽媽的教育程度對於自己照顧與否影響性不大;(3)部落從事粗重工作的爸爸,在從事幼兒照顧上呈現「快閃族爸爸」與「得來速爸爸」的模式;(4)非正式照顧資源對於部落的幼兒照顧而言相當重要;(5)幼兒照顧的經濟負擔程度,和子女數及工作穩定性有關。(三)在幼兒照顧政策方面,政府在政策制定時與原住民族間的關係,就像溝通不良的親子關係,家長總認為「我給你的是最好的」,而孩子總是覺得「其實你不懂我的心」。最後,依據本研究的研究發現,提出適合原住民族的幼兒照顧政策。


鄒族 原住民族 幼兒照顧


Due to tribal dispersed, inaccessible, lack of government resources, the consideration of private nursery schools' benefits, and etc., the preschool environment between the homespun aborigines and urban induces a significant gap. More importantly, Taiwan’s current early childhood care policy still based on Han ethnic ideology, and the development of appropriate early childhood care program fails to assimilate aboriginal cultural context as if institutional bullying. Unfortunately, Taiwan's, with aborigines as its subject, deficient research of homespun early childhood care expectation are relatively scarce and unable to be considered as a policy reference. Therefore, this study investigates Taiwan's aborigines depicting aboriginal childcare preferences and household resources for early childhood care effect, understanding the relationship between early childhood care relevant policies and the tribe's child care experiences to provide early childhood care policy recommendation. This research draws upon interviews and participant's observation to collect data. The researchers visited and investigated Alishan Tsou tribe (including Shanmei, Xinmei, Chashan, Laiji, Leye, Tefuya, Dabang, and Lijia) as the study field and interview participants: parents that have children before the age of six years old, preschool staffs, those who are familiar with the traditional culture as well as the tribal implementation of the early childhood care scheme institution. From the participants' own experience observation of early childhood care, they realize different cultural current situation and expectations; hence, the researcher has been in the tribe for more than seven years, and field observation notes can supplement the inadequacies of interviews. The study outcomes are: (1) for caring preference, other than the consideration of trust and economic factors, the most important is the culture. Cultural factor hidden in the caring preferences permeated the whole baby nursing axis. (2) In households, home caring resources have been divided into: (a) gender division will differ according to employment patterns; (b) the tribal mother's education level for whether or not to take care of their children has little adverse impact; (c) fathers in the tribe with heavy physical work shows the pattern of “flash mob dad” and “drive thru dad” in children care; (d) informal caring resources are very important for tribal children care; (e) the degree of economic burden of child care relates to the number of children and the job stability. (3) For child care policy, the relationship between the government in policy making and aboriginal is like poor parent- children communication. Parents always believe that “I’ll give you the best,” and the children always feel that “In fact, you don’t really understand what I think.” Finally, based on the above outcomes, the research proposes the appropriate aboriginal children care policy.


Tsou aborigines child care


王舒芸(2012)。〈家庭化的照顧、階級化的選擇、津貼化的政策-台灣嬰兒照顧現況與政策評析〉。論文發表於台灣社會學會(主辦),《台灣社會學年會暨國科會專題研究成果發表會 社會創新:後全球化》(11月24-25日)。舉辦地點:東海大學。
