  • 學位論文


Insider Ownership among Business Groups and Group-affiliated Firms from a Resource-dependence Perspective: The Moderating Effects of Performance and Managerial Experience

指導教授 : 林玟廷


本論文以資源依賴理論探討影響台灣集團總部與海外隸屬公司的股權控制程度之要素,主要有外部地主國環境因素(地理距離、文化距離、體制距離等國際市場距離與國際市場風險)以及內部隸屬公司因素(寬裕資源、與內部社會資本),衍生台灣集團企業與其海外隸屬公司依賴程度的差異,進而影響海外集團隸屬公司所有權內部化。此外,本研究亦探討集團隸屬公司內部之績效與管理者經驗帶來的調節效果。 本論文以2006年至2010年台灣前三百大集團企業中499家海外隸屬公司為實證對象進行分析。研究結果發現當(1)海外隸屬公司地理距離愈遠(2)海外隸屬公司體制距離愈大(3)海外隸屬公司所在地國際市場風險愈大(4)海外隸屬公司之內部寬裕資源愈多(5)海外隸屬公司之內部社會資本愈低,『集團總部持有海外隸屬公司股權控制』程度越高。績效與管理者經驗之調節效果,實證結果顯示(1)隸屬公司之績效將弱化組織寬裕資源與股權內部化之正向關係(2)隸屬公司之管理者經驗將弱化體制距離與股權內部化之正向關係。 整體而言,此研究結果實務面的貢獻為建議集團總部與集團海外隸屬公司推動國際化過程中應仔細考量國際市場距離、國際市場風險與隸屬公司要素相依關係的牽動,進而所有權內部化。職是之故,透過兩造之間互賴關係發展兩者之間適切的股權結構追求集團整體或經濟的共同成長。理論面的貢獻不僅在於將研究對象設定為互動關係較單一企業緊密互動之集團企業,另外,不僅補足鮮少學者著墨之研究主題,集團企業海外隸屬公司的所有權內部化因素之缺口,更補足資源依賴觀點理論運用於國際化議題之研究缺口,期望對國際企業理論能有所貢獻。


Based on resource-dependence theory, the thesis discusses the factors that influence the level of insider ownership among Taiwanese business groups and its overseas group-affiliated firms. The factors can be classified as external factors and group-affiliated firm’s internal factors. The external factors consist of geographic distance, cultural distance, institutional distance and market risks, as well as the group-affiliated firm’s internal factors consist of organizational slack and internal social capital. These factors will effect the level of dependence between business groups and its group-affiliated firms, then will further effect the insider ownership between them. Additionally, this thesis discusses the moderation effects of group-affiliated firm’s performance and managerial experience. The thesis analyses 499 overseas group-affiliated firms of top 300 Taiwanese business groups from 2006 to 2010. The research discovers that the level of insider ownership will be higher if the listed conditions of the group-affiliated firm are true: 1) The geographic distance is farer. 2) The institutional distance is larger. 3) The market risk of its host country is higher. 4) It owns more organizational slack. 5) Its internal social capital is fewer. And the result of moderation effects analysis shows that: 1) Better performance of the group-affiliated firm will weaken the positive relationship between organizational slack and level of insider ownership. 2) More experienced are the managers of the group-affiliated firm will weaken the positive relationship between institutional distance and level of insider ownership. This thesis provides practical suggestions to business group headquarters about how the level of dependence between them and the group-affiliated firms will be influenced by external factors and group-affiliated firm’s internal factors and further change their level of insider ownership. The proper level of insider ownership, which reflects the level of dependence, should improve the performance of the whole group. This thesis also provides academic contributions by focusing on business group, which has closer interacts than single business. It also provides research about the factors that influence the level of insider ownership for group-affiliated firms and research about applying resource-dependence theory on internationalization topic, which was rarely discuses before.


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