  • 學位論文


Action Research on the Implementation of Marine Education Curriculum in Higher Grades of Elementary School

指導教授 : 蔡清田


本研究採用行動研究法,依據班級情境分析結果,探討高年級學生所遭遇的海洋教育課程發展問題,並藉由研擬與實施課程方案,評鑑課程方案之成效與省思,以達成課程發展之目的。 研究者以任教的國小高年級班級之25位學生為研究參與者,實施以「海洋保育」為核心的海洋教育課程,藉由教學觀察、學習單、訪談記錄、前後測、課程實施問卷等資料,並以自評與他評課程評鑑檢核表進行分析。本研究主要結論如下: 一、研究情境分析發現,家長對海洋心存恐懼的態度影響學生學習;學生對珍惜海洋資源的觀念仍須加強;學生對 海洋保育觀念不足;學生不清楚臺灣歷史與海洋的密切性;學生對於海洋只有片面的理解。 二、海洋教育課程透過建構班級願景以規畫課程目標,確定課程方案架構,進而發展教學目標、選擇教材及規劃教 學流程以完成課程方案設計,並在實施歷程省思中修正課程方案。 三、海洋教育課程發展之實施採取小型且異質的學生編組,依照準備活動、發展活動、綜合活動的步驟實施教學, 運用多樣化的教學資源,並考量學生經驗與能力採用多元的教學策略及評量的方式,據以實施課程教學方案。 四、評鑑海洋教育課程發展實施成效,評鑑結果發現學生的學習成效與教師的教學成效皆能達成海洋教育課程目標 與教學目標且課程方案整體成效評鑑能達成未來十二年國民基本教育國民核心素養兒童期之部分重點內涵。 最後根據研究結果分析與討論,分別對於實施海洋教育課程發展之學校、教師以及未來後續研究提出建議。 關鍵詞:海洋教育、課程發展、行動研究


The study, upon the use of action research method, explored the development issues of marine education curriculum encountered by senior students based on the situational analysis results of different classes. Meanwhile, effects and refection of the curriculum program were evaluated with the workout and implementation of it so as to achieve the curriculum development goal. With the participants of 25 students from higher grades under teaching practice in elementary school, researchers conducted marine education curriculum cored at “marine conservation”, and the data obtained from teaching observation, academic record, interview minutes, pre-post test and curriculum implementation questionnaires were analyzed through self-evaluation and peer-evaluation curriculum appraisal checklists. Research results are concluded as follows: 1. From the situational analysis, it is found out that parents’ fear of the marine affects students’ learning; students lack the concepts of cherishing marine resources and the awareness of marine reservation; they are unfamiliar with the close relationship between Taiwanese history and the marine, having unilateral understanding of the marine. 2. Through the establishment of class vision, the marine education curriculum plans curriculum goals, determines curriculum framework, develops teaching goals, selects teaching materials and schemes teaching process to complete curriculum program design as well as amend it during the implementation process. 3. The marine education curriculum development was conducted through small and heterogeneous students groups and the steps of preparation, development and comprehensive activities, with diverse teaching resources applied and students’ experience and ability considered as well as multiple teaching strategies and assessment method adopted to implement curriculum teaching program. 4. It’s found from the evaluation results of marine education curriculum implementation effects that both students’ learning effects and teachers’ teaching effects can achieve the marine education curriculum goals and teaching goals. Besides, the overall effects evaluation of the curriculum program can reach partial key connotation of the 12-year Compulsory Education – National Core Competence of Childhood. In accordance with the research results analysis and discussion, suggestions were finally proposed to schools and teachers involving in the implementation of marine education curriculum and for subsequent researches in the future. Key words: marine education, curriculum development, action research


