  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Curriculum Decision-making Regarding a Director of Academic Affairs in a Primary School

指導教授 : 林永豐


摘 要 本研究之目的旨在探討星星小學教務主任進行學校本位課程發展的課程決定之情境分析、影響因素與因應行動。本研究採用個案研究法以蒐集星星小學學校總體課程計畫、課程節數規畫、學校行事曆、各項會議紀錄等文件進行分析,並訪談星星小學校長、歷任教務主任以彌補文件之不足,並透過文獻探討、參與觀察及蒐集學校課程發展文件,進行分析討論及歸納整理,主要結論如下: 1.星星小學教務主任進行學校本位課程發展之課程決定的情境分析,包括了學校歷史沿革及現況分析、學校課程發展之SWOT分析、學校總體課程發展圖譜及課程發展委員會組織、學校教學節數分析、學校本位課程特色方案概況分析等,呼應了國內外有關學校本位課程發展的相關研究結果。 2.星星小學教務主任進行校本課程決定的影響因素,包括國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要、校長治校理念、家長意見調查、教師專長理念、教育部及國教署各項教育措施等影響因素,呼應了有關學校本位課程發展的課程決定之相關研究發現。 3.星星小學教務主任進行校本課程決定的因應行動,包括協助校長於課發會提出學校願景推動學校本位課程發展、規畫進行教師任教意願調查,協調決定任課職務安排及教務工作夥伴、規畫學校行事曆及擬定教務處行事曆、舉行課程發展委員會並協調決定學校總體課程計畫、規畫並協調透過行政評鑑實施教務行政評鑑、規畫並主持學年主任會議/學年會議,持續進行課程發展與實施等因應策略,呼應了教育部相關法令與行政規定對教務主任角色行為的期望,也呼應了國內外學者有關教務主任的學校本位課程發展課程決定之相關研究。 關鍵詞:教務主任、學校本位課程發展、課程決定


ABSTRACT This research aimed to explore the situation, influence factors, action strategies of curriculum decision-making regarding a director of academic affairs in a primary school. This research used a case study method to collect data of the corporate school curriculum plan, plan of teaching periods, school calendar, the meeting minutes and other documents for analysis, the researcher also conducted interviews with Principal and three previous directors of academic affairs in this primary school, served to compensate for lack of documents. After the literature review and through participant observation and collection of school curriculum development documents, the research analyzed and summarized this research discussion and the main conclusions were as follows: First, the situation analysis of curriculum decisions regarding this director of academic affairs, consisted of the school’s history and current situation analysis, SWOT of school curriculum development, map of school corporate curriculum plan and organisation of school curriculum development committee, the number of schools teaching section, school-based curriculum and other specialty programs profiling. And this echoed the findings of the studies of school-based curriculum development in Taiwan. Second, the influence factors of curriculum decisions regarding this director of academic affairs, consisted of 1-9 curriculum outline, school principals school idea, opinion surveys of parents, teachers expertise, the Ministry of Education and the K-12 Education Administration and other education administration practice. And this echoed the results of relevant research programs of school curriculum development. Third, action strategies of curriculum decision-making regarding this director of academic affairs, consisted of suggestions to the school principal to present the school vision to be recognized by all members of the school, to plan and conduct the investigation of teachers teaching willingness and to coordinate and decide classroom teachers’ duties arrangements and working partners of academic office, to plan the school calendar of academic affairs, to coordinate the school curriculum development committee and corporate school curriculum plan, to plan and coordinate curriculum administration and evaluation, to chaired the meeting of head teachers from different school years and learning areas, and to continued curriculum development in the school, And these action strategies echoed the relevant laws and administrative regulations of Ministry of Education, and also echoed the research results of different scholars regarding curriculum decisions of director of Academic affairs. Keywords:director of academic affairs, school-based curriculum development, curriculum decision-making.


陳聖謨(2012) 。築夢校園-談學校願景的建構。師友月刊,2012.11。
