  • 學位論文

警察分局長的社會網絡建構: 默會知識的觀點

指導教授 : 蔡允棟 湯京平




The consciousness of this research is the organization members learned essential skills and expertise through observation, imitation, and apprenticeship in the society after graduated. According to members’ personality, specialty and ability, there are considerable diversities in establishment and maintenance of social network is appeared. Hence, this research is emphasis following questions. What is the tacit knowledge of director of police agency to build social networks? What is the key factor or knowledge for leader of rotation to control the overall situation and decrease mistake immediately? In order to reach these goals, we interview three precinct directors of police agency of bureaucracy to conclude their experiences, self-exploration and progress of tacit knowing to establish their social networks and skills of tacit knowledge. In these three case reports, all precinct directors have high similarity characteristics such as earnest, sincerity and amiability to initiate their social networks. All reviewers can not only pay attention on their core of duty but also extend sociology such as social networks and capitals under law regulation enthusiastically. All precinct directors will quick review his district area through team works which included official regulation of public relation and supports of local colleagues when they rotated in new administration. Therefore, they can built and accumulate their social networks and capitals in a short period. In conclusions, this research combined theoretical knowledge and practical experiences by tacit knowledge of establishment social network in members of principal and manager level of national police agency. In future, this conclusion may support leader of rotation to build and accumulate their social networks and capitals in a short time.


林妙雀,2004,〈直銷知識內隱性、參與式知識移轉對直銷商滿意度和忠誠度影響之研究〉,《臺大管理論叢 》15(1):75-97。
