  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Career Barriers and Career Self-efficacy of Vocational High School students in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 鄭勝耀


本研究旨在探討雲林縣高職學生生涯阻礙與生涯自我效能之相關關係,並比較性別、學校類型、年級、就讀職業類科、居住型態、父母教育程度、父母職業、父母國籍、入學方式、入學原因以及在校成績等不同背景變項,在生涯阻礙與生涯自我效能之差異。本研究中將生涯阻礙分成內在阻礙與外在阻礙二種,內在阻礙包含個人特質、學習狀況、生涯準備、方向選擇;而外在阻礙分成重要他人與社會政策。生涯自我效能則分成自我瞭解與評估、計畫未來之能力、目標選擇之能力、蒐集資訊之能力及問題解決之能力等。本研究係以雲林縣高職學生為研究對象,經由分層隨機抽樣進行問卷調查施測,共得有效問卷802份。問卷調查所得資料分別以描述統計與推論統計加以處理,包括次數分配、百分比、平均數、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸等統計方法。研究結果如下: 1.雲林縣高職學生整體生涯阻礙中等偏低,但在社會政策因素感受阻力較高。 2.雲林縣高職學生整體生涯自我效能中等偏高,在蒐集資訊之能力信心程度較高。 3.雲林縣高職男生在「整體生涯阻礙」、「個人特質」、「學習狀況」、「生涯準備」、「重要他人」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於雲林縣高職女生。 4.雲林縣公立高職學生在「方向選擇」及「社會政策」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於雲林縣私立高職學生。雲林縣私立高職學生在「個人特質」、「生涯準備」、「重要他人」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於雲林縣公立高職學生。 5.雲林縣高職三年級學生在「整體生涯阻礙」、「學習狀況」、「社會政策」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於雲林縣高職一年級學生。 6.雲林縣高職商業類學生在「社會政策」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於家事類及實用技能學程學生。 7.父親教育程度為「大學、專科或研究所以上畢業」之雲林縣高職學生在「個人特質」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於父親教育程度為「高中、職」畢業之學生。 8.母親國籍為「東南亞或中國大陸籍」之雲林縣高職學生在「個人特質」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於母親國籍為本國籍之學生。 9.入學方式為國民中學學生基本學力測驗之雲林縣高職學生在「社會政策」層面的生涯阻礙顯著高於入學方式為十二年國民基本教育免試入學及實用技能學程學生。 10.入學原因之不同對雲林縣高職學生之生涯阻礙有顯著差異。 11.在校成績在「59分以下」之雲林縣高職學生在「整體生涯阻礙」層面顯著高於在校成績在「69~69分」、「70~79分」及「80分以上」之學生。 12.雲林縣高職男生在「整體生涯自我效能」、「自我瞭解與評估」、「計畫未來之能力」、「目標選擇之能力」層面的生涯自我效能顯著高於雲林縣高職女生。 13.雲林縣公立高職學生在「蒐集資訊之能力」層面的生涯自我效能顯著高於雲林縣私立高職學生。 14.父母教育程度及職業之不同對雲林縣高職學生生涯自我效能有顯著差異。 15.入學原因之不同對雲林縣高職學生之生涯阻礙有顯著差異。 16.在校成績之不同雲林縣高職學生之生涯自我效能有顯著差異。 17.雲林縣高職學生生涯阻礙與生涯自我效能呈現顯著負相關。 18.雲林縣高職生涯阻礙對生涯自我效能具有顯著預測力。 根據上述的研究結論,提出進一步的討論與建議,以提供相關單位及後續研究的參考。


The research aims to study on career barriers and career self-efficacy of students in vocational high schools and the relationships among each other. In this study, the researcher divided career barriers into internal and external career barriers. Internal career barriers contain personal character, learning situation,career preparation and choose direction; external career barriers contain significant persons and social policy. Career self-efficacy included, self-understanding and assessment , future planning , goal selection , information collecting and problem solving . In this study,the author collected the data of 802 vocational high school students in Yunlin County. Data were analyzed through both the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics approaches, including frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and step-wise multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Career barriers of students of vocational high school in Yunlin County are found medium low, and social policy is the highest among them. 2. Career self-efficacy of vocational high school students in Yunlin County is found medium high, and information collecting is the highest among them. 3. Male students significantly higher career barriers than female students on the aspect of personal character, learning situation, career preparation and significant persons. 4. The students from public vocational high schools in Yunlin County scored higher than those from private vocational high schools in Yunlin County on choose direction and social policy career barriers. The students from private vocational high schools in Yunlin County scored higher than those from public vocational high schools in Yunlin County on personal character, career preparation and significant persons career barriers. 5. Third-graders of vocational high school students in Yunlin County significantly higher than First-year of vocational high school students in Yunlin County on Overall career barriers , learning situation and social policy career barriers. 6. Commercial Division of vocational high school students in Yunlin County significantly higher than Family class families and Program of practical skills students on social policy career barriers. 7. Father Education on College graduate or above Institute of students of vocational high school in Yunlin County significantly higher than Father Education on Senior high school graduation of students of vocational high school in Yunlin County on personal character career barriers. 8. New immgrats of students of vocational high school in Yunlin County significantly higher than Taiwan on personal character career barriers. 9. Admission Information of junior high school students BCT in social policy career barriers significantly higher than 12-year Compulsory Education Entrance examination and Program of practical skills students. 10. Admission different reasons are more conscious of career barriers significantly differences. 11. School grades at 59 points or less of vocational high school students in Yunlin County of career barriers significantly higher than 60-69 points and 70-79 points and 80 points or more of students on Overall career barriers. 12. Male students of vocational high school in Yunlin County on Overall career self-efficacy, self-understanding and assessment, plan future, goal selection career self-efficacy significantly higher than female students. 13. The students from Public Vocational high schools in Yunlin County scored higher than those from private vocational high schools in Yunlin County on Collect information career self-efficacy. 14.The differences of Parental education level and Parents occupation are more conscious of career self-efficacy significantly differences for vocational high school in Yunlin County. 15. The differences of Admission different reasons are more conscious of career self-efficacy significantly differences for vocational high school in Yunlin County. 16. The differences of School score are more conscious of career self-efficacy significantly differences for vocational high school in Yunlin County. 17. Career barriers and career self-efficacy of students of vocational high school in Yunlin County are significantly Negative correlation. 18. Career barriers of vocational high school in Yunlin County career self-efficacy are Significant predictive power. Based on the findings,listed above implications of the results were discussed and suggestions were presented for concerned department and future research.


