  • 學位論文


Ethnic Household’s Poverty Situation and Poverty Causes: An Empirical Study in Vo Nhai District, Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam.

指導教授 : 李聲吼


正如許多其他發展中的國家一樣,越南的飢餓和貧困問題已存在了很久的時間。儘管經濟改革為降低貧困帶來了顯著的改善,但對於以少數貧窮族群為經濟發展目標的計畫,其規模與深度在長遠發展目標上仍待努力。 本研究的目的是探究越南太原省武奈區的民族中較為貧困的家庭,其貧困原因與貧困狀況,進而釐清了解政府對扶貧的作為,以期提高少數民族的生活品質。本研究以問卷方式進行調查,有33個題項,調查共204名受試者;合併以深度訪談法進行調查,有12個問題,訪問共8名受試者。主要用以確認其貧窮原因、貧窮狀況,以及了解政府在減少貧窮之政策上的成果。 這項研究結果顯示,在山區少數貧窮民族家庭在生活上面臨許多的困難,且需要來自政府與社會的更多關心與協助。首先,透過收入、就業、居住狀況、醫療保健,以及公共服務的資料顯示,少數貧困家庭的貧窮狀況非常嚴重。第二,這個研究結果從個體與微視層面,以及宏觀層面兩者的組合方式,顯示居民貧困的原因。第三,越南政府一直倡導並實施有效的扶貧政策,也有人認為未來需要更加強對個別族群之特殊性提供介入的措施。最後,本研究也提出與脫貧社會工作有關的建議。


As in many other developing countries, hunger and poverty in Vietnam has existed for a significant amount of time. Although economic reform has brought remarkable progress in poverty reduction, the scale and depth of ethnic minority poverty presents is one of the major challenges to achieve the targets for poverty reduction set out in the Socio-Economic Development Plan, as well as the Millennium Development Goals. The purpose of this study was to identify the poverty situation, poverty causes of poor ethnic households in Vo Nhai district, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam and then to make a clear understanding the role of government for poverty reduction, improving the quality of life of ethnic minority people was included. 33-items survey questionnaire were applied to conduct a survey with 204 subjects and 12 questions in-depth interview was answered with 8 subjects in order to identify the poverty situation, poverty causes characteristics and expression the role of government through poverty reduction policies. The results of this study indicated that the lives of the poor ethnic households in some mountainous areas was face many difficulties and need more concern and helping from the government and society. The first, poverty situation of the poor ethnic households is very serious, which is expressed through income, employment, housing, health care and accessibility to public services. The second, this result shows that to understand the causes come from the individual and micro level or from the structural and macro level or from both levels in a combined way is an important issues to discuss. The third, Vietnam government has been promoting the role through some of effective policies and programs for poverty reduction and it’s also argued that future interventions need to be more ethnically responsive to the particular characteristics of individual ethnic groups. Particularly in the context of suggestion, this study is mention the role and impact of social worker for poverty reduction.


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