  • 學位論文


Study on the Evaluation Method of Mountain Road Rerouting-Taking 457k+651 Duyue Bridge on Provincial Highway No. 9 for Example

指導教授 : 李錦育


臺灣過去對公路開發所引起的環境生態與景觀問題,可說是疏忽與輕視。在公路建設方面,因設計費用以里程計價,對潛在的落石、崩塌、土石流、水土保持、景觀及生態等問題,常因經費預算不足或設計者墨守成規,而未予重視。在施工方面,傳統工法開山鑽炸,往往造成土壤鬆動,山崩落石,而隨意傾倒廢棄土,更嚴重破壞景觀環境。 公路選線旨在找出最安全、便捷、經濟、養護容易並符合設計標準之廊道以供興建道路。本研究以臺九線457k+651渡月橋為例,該座橋梁位於屏東縣獅子鄉,屬於老舊橋梁,加上既有道路線形蜿蜒曲折,無法符合「公路路線設計規範」之要求,期望藉此橋梁改建同時一併改善該區段道路線形。


In the past, Taiwan had ignored and neglected the environmental, ecological and landscaping problems arising from road development. In terms of highway development, since the cost of design is determined on the basis of mileage, potential rockfall, landslide, debris flow, soil conservation, landscaping and ecological problems were usually overlooked because of insufficient budget or the designer’s routinism. In terms of construction, conventional construction method usually cut into mountains by drilling and explosion, which often loosened the soil, causing landslide and rockfall; dumping waste soil at discretion also caused serious damage to the landscape and environment. Highway route selection aims at identifying the safest, most convenient, economic, easy-to-maintain corridor that meets the design standard for road construction. In this study, the 457k+651 Duyue Bridge on Provincial Highway No. 9 are taken as examples. The bridge is located in Shihzih Township of Pingtung County. In addition to the wriggly and winding line of the existing road, these old bridges fall short of the requirement of the “Specification of the highway route design”. While these bridges are rebuilt, it is hoped that the road line in that area would be improved.


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