  • 學位論文


To Improve the Efficiency of Information Systems Development by MVC Pattern – A Case Study of OA Software

指導教授 : 陳灯能


辦公室自動化(Office Automation, OA)軟體系統的使用是為了增進組織管理效率並節省組織資源。組織透過OA軟體系統中的「辦公室作業流程」(Business Processing)推動辦公室自動化,並提供使用者更有用的業務資訊。然而,在OA軟體的開發過程中,許多流程及電子表單格式是類似的,因此,如何有效的重覆再利用已開發的系統模組或程式碼,將成為程式設計人員必須對面的重要工作。   使用軟體開發模式,可以幫助我們分析系統的架構,有效的重覆使用模組及元件。而軟體開發模式從早期的邊做邊改模式(Build-and-Fix Model)到後來的元件化開發(Component Modeling),軟體開發模式隨著系統功能需求越來越多,也變得日益複雜。   在本研究中,我們透過MVC(Model-View-Controller)模式建立一個開發架構,將軟體元件依照「模型」、「視圖」、「控制器」分類為三大模塊,定義各模塊間運作的機制,並依此開發架構實做OA軟體系統。另外,為了確認此開發架構與傳統開發架構相較之下,是否較能改善軟體開發中所遭遇的問題,我們另外以「功能元件導向」的軟體開發架構實做一組相同功能的OA軟體系統,並設計若干情境用來比較二組系統在面對使用者需求變更時,開發、修改、維護系統所耗費的時間,以評估在MVC模式下開發系統的效益。


Office Automation (OA) software system is utilized to enhance the organization’s management efficiency and save the organization resources. Through “Business Processing” in the OA software system, the organization facilitates office automation, and provides the users more useful business information. Nevertheless, in the process of developing OA software, many procedures and electronic forms are similar. Therefore, how to effectively re-use the already developed system modules or codes will be an important task for the program design personnel.  Software development model can assist us analyze the system architecture, alongside with effectively reuse the modules and components. From build-and-fix model in the early stage to component modeling subsequently, while the system functions demand more progressively, the software development model has also become more complex increasingly.  In this research, based on MVC (Model-View-Controller), we have established a development framework to classify the software components into three modules—“model”, “view”, and “controller”—to define the mechanisms operating in each module, and implement the OA software system accordingly. On the other hand, in comparison with the traditional framework, in order to verify that this developing framework can better improve the problems emerging in software development, we have additionally implemented an OA software system with the same functions through “functional component orientated” framework. Furthermore, situations have also been designed to compare both systems in regard of time on developing, modifying, and maintaining the systems upon the user’s request of change. As such, we can evaluate the benefit of developing the system under MVC model.


Design Pattern Lotus Notes MVC OA


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