  • 學位論文


A Study on the Residents’ Response to Reconstruction Policy of Military Village - Case of Gong-He Military Village in Donggung, Pingtung County

指導教授 : 羅清吉


眷村在台灣是個非常特殊的聚落,它的面貌訴說台灣歷史過程,民國38年國共內戰,近60萬的軍籍人口造成大撤退、大移民潮到台灣,抵台臨時安置在日軍遺留下之房舍,民國85年制定「國軍老舊眷村改建條例」之後,全台眷村建築有計畫且有進度的消失中,本研究探討眷村居民對眷村改建政策之反應衝突,研究地點選擇位於屏東縣東港鎮共和新村。 民國92年12月29日眷改條例主管機關國防部執行「共和新村」國軍老舊眷村改建,175戶原眷戶參與改建說明會後,於規定三個月內,在認證書(改建同意書)上選擇補償選項,原本看似簡單的改建政策,卻時至民國97年5月屏東縣政府才核發建造執照,改建工作得以開始,這5年的改建過程充滿衝突與爭論。 眷村改建計畫常在政府政策、社區居民與社群之間的意見產生衝突,對於整個事件的複雜性,本研究所使用質性研究個案研究法會透過深入訪談,結合共和新村針對眷村改建議題的紀錄,以理解的方式,將整個事件的複雜性抽絲剝繭,了解居民在決定是否支持眷村改建、居民搬遷或保存文化景觀,必須歷經一連串的利益衝突與溝通。 訪談結果分析共和新村居民們對眷村改建政策的觀感,除了來自個人決策的內心衝突,團體之間的衝突也因應而生,共和新村居民發起眷村文化保存,起因於對眷改方案有疑問,以此理由延緩改建進度,用更多時間來爭奪自己的權益。本研究也從政府政策與居民角度對眷村改建政策及文化景觀保存觀點分別提出建議。


A military village is a unique community in Taiwan which is also in part of Taiwan’s development. In 1949, after defeated by Communist Party of China in a civil war, the Republic of China government retreated to Taiwan along with nearly 600,000 Nationalist soldiers and their dependents. They stayed in a military village built during Japanese occupation which original purpose was to serve as provisional housing. In 1996, the establishment of “The Statute for Reconstructing Dilapidated Military Villages” demolished these villages in a rapid speed and replaced them with modern public housing, giving the residents rights to live in a new building. In this research, the study site was chosen in Gong-He military village, Donggung Town, Pingtung County. On December 29, 2003 the Ministry of National Defense, the competent authority of this statute, began the reconstruction program in Gong-He military village. 175 original residents were requested to participate in an initial public meeting regarding reconstruction matters. Within three months after the meeting, the residents had to decide the replacement choices either moving out or living in a new building on the agreement contract. However, the dialogue between the Ministry of National Defense and the residents took five years and it was full of conflicts and disputes. In order to understand the problems layer by layer and to find out what the residents considered about, the qualitative-oriented case study design was applied, which depth interviews were mainly conducted and was supplemented by secondary data collection. The results revealed the residents’ opinions to reconstruction policy and cultural landscape conservation. The residents launched a conservation plan in order to drag the reconstruction program for having more time to fight for their own rights. The suggestions were given in terms of reconstruction policy and cultural landscape conservation from the viewpoints of the government and the residents.




劉子瑄(2013)。眷村文化保存與再利用之研究 - 以信義公民會館暨文化公園(四四南村)為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00422
