  • 學位論文


Integrating Photometric Image and LiDAR Data for Monitoring Forest Gap Dynamics in Nanjenshan Area

指導教授 : 陳朝圳


森林孔隙簡稱孔隙,係指森林冠層之破洞或疏開,是由大規模的干擾,造成林木死亡或枝條斷裂所形成。孔隙因更新過程及時間的變化,由自己或其他樹種更換,此種森林演替稱之為孔隙動態或孔隙更新。孔隙形成對森林生態系演替之樹種組成、林分結構與更新扮演著重要角色。本研究以南仁山森林生態系之孔隙動態變化為主題,研究目的在於探討如何以多時期之數位航空影像,量化南仁山森林生態系之孔隙分布,並探討不同時期之孔隙動態;建立不同生育地之孔隙動態,比較不同生育地孔隙空間分布之差異;整合二維的多時數位航空影像及三維的空載光達資料,量化孔隙動態的垂直剖面結構。本研究以3期(2003, 2007, 2009年)數位航測影像,分析南仁山森林生態系之孔隙面積率變化,結果顯示2009年孔隙面積率為0.92%最大,其次則為2003年(0.66%),而2007年的孔隙面積率為最小(0.51%),孔隙動態為逐漸鬱閉再逐漸開闊,且2007年~2009年之孔隙產生面積率高於2003年~2007年孔隙產生面積率,顯示此區域受到颱風之干擾頻繁,且為轉換速率相當快的森林。根據地形之分類準則將樣區分為四種不同生育地(強風坡型、向風緩坡型、背風坡型與溪谷型),探討不同生育地孔隙的空間分布差異,結果顯示強風坡型與溪谷型之孔隙面積比例高於其他兩者生育地,因此推測強風坡型與溪谷型受到東北 季風影響較為顯著。另外本研究結合二維之數位航空影像與三維空載光達影像,進行孔隙寬度與深度之垂直結構量化,結果顯示冠層維持不變、孔隙逐漸開闊及孔隙逐漸鬱閉三種類型中,孔隙的寬度與深度均達到顯著之正相關(P<0.05),可推論孔隙深度越深則寬度越寬,表示此孔隙是經由較大之林木死亡所導致而成。


Forest gaps are from in the forest canopy when one or a few canopy tree die or is injured in a forest. The small opening or holes would become a kind of succession area filled with other trees in process forest gap regeneration or gap dynamics.The gap dynamics is a natural phenomenon of forest successions which affects the species composition, stand structure and regeneration in forest ecosystems. The purposes of this study are to discuss the forest gap dynamics in Nanjenshan via high resolution images and integrated laser scanning systems. First of all, we mapped the gap distribution in each habitat with multi-temporal aerial photos to understanding the change of gap dynamics in different habitats. Secondly, we modeled the processes of gap dynamics in each habitat and mapped spatial distribution of gaps. We further compared the rate of gap canopy closure with vertical structure in every single habitat. This study analyses three-temporal (2003, 2007, 2009 years) to understanding the change of gap rate, results showed the highest gap rate was 0.92% in 2009 years, secondly was 0.66% in 2003 year, and the lowest gap rate was 2007 years (0.51%). Gap dynamics was a notable change in canopy structure from closed to more open, and 2007~2009 years gap formation rate was higher than 2003~2007 years. This area displays the frequent interference by the Typhoon and the fairly fast conversion rate of forest. According to the classification criteria of topographic to divided into four different habitats (wind-stress, windward, leeward and valley) to explore the gap spatial in difference habitat. Results showed gap size rate of wind-stress and valley was higher than other habitats. Therefore speculate that wind-stress and valley often affected by northeast monsoon. Furthermore, this study combined with aerial photos and three-dimensional airborne laser scanning data to observate the gap vertical structure, and mapped width and depth of gap. There was a positive relationship between width and depth of gap, which means that gaps may range in area from the openings created by the death of a large tree.


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