  • 學位論文


Design of Sales Personnel Contact Management based on Demand Transmission by Word-of-Mouth

指導教授 : 陳同孝 陳民枝


人際關係的互動,形成人際網絡,也就是人脈的開拓與經營,對從事銷售業務工作的專業人士,尤其重視,除了主動開發新的人脈之外,還需要做到人脈間交流及關係維護,如果能讓人脈主動找上門來則更好,為達到這樣的目的,本研究利用消費者具有打聽親友好友消費經驗的需求,為業務專業人士設計人脈關係管理通訊錄。 系統設計概念為只要業務人員與消費者互為通訊錄的聯絡人,則該名消費者即可查詢到業務人員通訊錄裡更多提供專業服務的人士,藉此造成消費者主動聯繫業務人員,探尋消費訊息,因此能達到人際關係的互動。 研究方法為實作系統並設定各種人際關係,最後於人脈管理通訊錄,輸入專長服務關鍵字時,即可依序表列出符合查詢條件之1.會員個人通訊錄內之聯絡人(即朋友);2.會員通訊錄內聯絡人的聯絡人(即朋友的朋友);如此即可創造被查詢到之業務專業人士與消費者之直接與間接的互動,促進人脈的交流。最後並比較目前常用的社群通訊軟體及通訊錄,來比較此研究實作之系統功能所呈現之貢獻。


Interactive relationships on social network, is a network of pioneering and management, professionals engaged in sales operations. Particular emphasis are paid to the active development of new contacts, and also the needs to be done between the network communication and relationship maintenance. If these elements are the main pivot with consumers, friends and families sharing demand experiences and for business professionals to design connection managements for these contacts. In this thesis, the word-of-mouth system design concept for businesses and consumers contacts. Consumers can check contacts in the business staffs to provide more professional services, thereby causing consumers to take the initiative to contact businesses and to explore consumption of messages to achieve interactive relationships. The method used to implement the system and the set of relationshipis by management of contacts, expertise and services when keywords are entered. The contact person is listed in the table in sequence by (1) Checking the condition of the members of personal contacts within the (That friend); (2) inter-member connection of contacts of contacts (i.e. friends of friends), so you can create direct and indirect interactions to query business professionals and consumers to facilitate the exchange of contacts; (3) Finally, and to compare the commonly used communications software and community contacts, in order to compare the contributions of the functionality of the implemented system.


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