  • 學位論文


A study of Number Portability effects on the choice behavior of mobile telecommunications market

指導教授 : 楊志文


本研究探討的主題為多電信業者與多屬性(費率、轉移手續費等)組成的多元選擇情境下,號碼可攜政策實施後,透過受訪者的轉移行為與轉移態度來瞭解其對電信業者的選擇行為。在行銷或運輸相關領域方面,以往學者多著墨於情境偏好,然而核心偏好卻代表著個體不隨情境改變的部分,忽略任一部份將導致不正確的行為推論。因此,本研究目的將同時探究核心偏好、情境偏好與個體異質性對於個體選擇行為之影響。 研究假設選擇行為受情境偏好與核心偏好所影響。在情境偏好方面,可透過敘述性偏好所設計之虛擬情境瞭解消費者的偏好結構。在核心偏好方面,藉由李克特量表測量受訪者對號碼可攜轉移的潛在心理態度,接著,利用結構方程模式建構影響轉移意願之因果模式,並將所求得之因素負荷量代入個體效用函數中,以改善敘述性偏好之行為意向未必與真實選擇行為相同的缺點,最後,利用隨機係數的指定方式來處理個體異質性的問題。 實證結果發現,在態度構面之因果關係中,滿意度與轉移障礙正向影響忠誠度,且其皆透過忠誠度負向影響轉移意願。在電信選擇模式中,考量核心偏好與個體異質性之選擇模式顯著優於僅考慮情境偏好的個體選擇模式,並能大幅提升模式的解釋能力,且核心偏好可透過受訪者的態度變數或慣性變數衡量之。在市場區隔中,以受訪者的轉移態度作為模式分群依據之結果最佳。在行銷策略中,價格效果優於其他策略組合,又以已有轉移經驗者受費率影響而轉移的效果最為顯著。


This study is aimed to investigate consumers’ choice behavior across multi-alternative choice situation composed of attributes and operators. The switching attitude and behavior after the introduction of mobile number portability are the major topic. Previous literatures in Marketing or Transportation were often focused on contingent preferences. However, core preferences represent the part which is invariant across time and ignoring either former or latter could lead to incorrect inference on choice model. Therefore, this study investigates those influences of core preferences, contingent preferences and individual’s heterogeneity on choice behavior of mobile telecommunication operators. The assumption of proposed choice model is that the choice behavior is influenced by core preferences and contingent preferences. In the measurement of contingent preferences, we used choice scenario designed by stated preference to estimate consumers’ preferences. In the measurement of core preferences, we applied Likert scale to measure consumers’ psychological attitude and used SEM to estimate the causal relationship of customer switching attitude. Then, factor loadings are subsequently taken into individual’s utility function to improve the shortcomings of stated preference. Finally, the specification of random coefficient was used to conduct with individual heterogeneity. Empirical results showed that loyalty is related positively by satisfaction and switching barrier, and loyalty is related negatively to customer switching. In addition, the choice model considering with core preferences and individual heterogeneity is better than only considering contingent preferences. Moreover, core preferences can be measured through attitude variables or inertia variables. In market segments, the clustering results are better based on the switching attitude, whereas pricing strategy performs greater impact than other strategies, especially those consumers with switching experiences on mobile number portability.


