  • 學位論文


The Research of Professionals Assessment Competency in Taiwan TranQuali System

指導教授 : 嚴國慶 王淑卿


台灣自2007年導入訓練品質系統(Taiwan TranQuali System)簡稱TTQS,至2015年已有九年,於2014年2月隨著行政院勞委會職訓局,部會提升至台灣行政院勞動部勞動力發展署,同時也將原來TTQS訓練品質系統,更名為人才發展品質管理系統(Talent Quality-management System)足見推動TTQS是站在國家的高度,面對各種不同的產業的人力發展需求,結合ISO9000、ISO10015、英國IIP等國際標準,所制定出一套適合台灣產業能夠確實執行人力發展工作的評鑑規範。行政院勞動部勞動力發展署為了能建立完整且具公信力的人才發展品質管理系統,每年審核TTQS輔導顧問、TTQS評核委員、TTQS講師三類專業人才,透過專案執行組織之專業能力,辦理訓練品質規範評核與輔導服務組織網絡及服務品質之管理、訓練品質管理訓練課程規劃與師資培訓,以利順利推展TTQS系統,嚴格規定TTQS輔導顧問,不可以同時擔任評核委員。 雖然TTQS系統參考國際ISO10015標準修訂,但因原本修訂的條文「TTQS評核標竿」,一直沒有正式在官方公開資訊平台上揭露,並且自2011年以後,也不再在TTQS輔導顧問、TTQS評核委員、TTQS講師三類專業人員回流訓練中提供紙本文件,因此在使用四張TTQS評核表時,因TTQS三類專業人員的經驗及對指標解讀,有所差異,常造成受評核單位TTQS建置成績的困擾,常因同時受到TTQS輔導顧問及評核委員看法不一致,而造成整體TTQS團隊的專業形象受損,本研究透過TTQS系統自2007年導入實施以來,為了校準TTQS輔導顧問及評核兩類專業人員指標評分的落差,先從適用職業工會、協會、職業訓練中心、公會、學校等非營利事業機構的訓練單位的訓練機構版開始,了解TTQS輔導顧問及評核委員評核能力,透過本研究提出之研究方法可達到:了解TTQS輔導顧問及評核委員19項指標各項指標及總分評分的落點,並縮小兩類人員19項指標評分的落差,並找出輔導顧問與評核委員在日後每年回流訓練優先校準指標項目,將研究結果作為後續其他三種TTQS評核表兩類專業人員校準模式的參考。


Taiwan TranQuali System (TTQS) was introduced in 2007. As the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of the Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, was upgraded to the Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor (WDA hereinafter), in February, 2014, TTQS was changed to the Talent Quality-management System, which is a national set of standards that assess human development in all industries based on the their needs, in accordance with ISO9000, ISO10015 and British standards. To set up a complete and credible Talent Quality-management System, the WDA reviews the TTQS consultants, review committees and instructors every year, and holds the assessment of training quality standards, management of counseling organization network, and planning of training quality management courses and teacher training through project organizations. It also strictly stipulates that TTQS consultants shall not act as the review committees at the same time. Although the TTQS was set up with reference to ISO9000 and ISO10015, the original TTQS assessment benchmarking has not been officially disclosed on the open information platform, and since 2011, no written document has been provided for TTQS consultants, review committees and instructors. The result of TTQS assessment is often inconsistent among the three TTQS professionals, who have different experiences and interpretations when using the TTQS assessment table, which damages the image of the TTQS team. To correct the gap of grading between the TTQS consultants and TTQS review committees since the introduction of TTQS in 2007, this study first determined the capability of the TTQS consultants and review committees using the version of training organizations in occupational trade unions, associations, vocational training centers, and schools. Based on the methodology proposed herein, this study could understand the result of 19 indicators and the total score of the TTQS consultants and review committees, reduce the gap in the result of 19 indicators, and determine the priority of indicators to be corrected in the annual subsequent training, as a reference to the three other TTQS assessment tables.


Quality Management HRD Competency TTQS PDDRO


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