  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumer Behavior Analysis for Lactic Acid Bacteria in Taiwan

指導教授 : 嚴國慶


因工商業發達、家庭型態的改變及生活水準的提升,使得國民經常外食。但是,因外食的過度精緻、缺乏運動及龐大的壓力,造成營養攝取不均衡與消化系統疾病的現象,均逐步增加。然而,在心靈、精神、生活習慣、運動、免疫、抗老…等多項改善健康的方法上,以最容易執行、效果最顯著、影響最全面及最有科學根據的「腸道保健」最容易被忽視。 近年來科學臨床研究證實,攝取保健食品有助於預防或治療慢性疾病,而增進人體健康也是現代消費者的基本觀念。保健食品可用於疾病的預防與保健,其原理是利用營養使身體能達到健康安適的狀態。在國人保健養生觀念提昇,對保健食品需求日益增加的情況下,乳酸菌一直是成長快速、使用普及與應用最廣泛的保健食品。 因此本研究有別於過去專注於乳酸菌技術層面的研究,改以消費者的角度出發,運用EKB模型的理論基礎,探討消費者對於乳酸菌產品選購的行為模式,以期提供乳酸菌產品廠商制定行銷策略的參考。此外,本研究以行銷的角度,探討購買者社經背景、產品屬性、食用者狀況、公司屬性與購買決策之間的關係,此研究結論可以提供乳酸菌相關產品廠商在行銷策略的參考以及如何進行市場區隔。另經由文獻探討完成乳酸菌消費者行為模型的建構,並確立購買者社經背景、產品屬性、食用者狀況、公司屬性與購買決策之間的關係,並針對這些概念提出更完整的模型架構,有利後續對於此領域的研究者有更完整的先驗知識及參考。在實務上,經由實證結果可理解人口統計如何影響消費者對於乳酸菌產品屬性、公司屬性與購買決策的評估,有利於制定市場區隔行銷策略的參考。


In modern world, the growth of economy, family lifestyle changed make more and more people choose to dine out. But over-cooked food, lock of exercises, and stressful life cause more problems like unbalance diet and digest problems. Although there are many methods to change unhealthy lifestyle such as spiritual, mental, living habits changing, exercises, anti-aging. But the easiest, most effective, and has the most scientific basis way, intestinal health, which is most likely been ignored. For the pass few years, the researches have shown that taking supplements could help to prevent or treat chronic disease. Supplements help to improve human health is the basic concept. The principle for supplements could help to prevent from illness is by using nutrients to support the body to maintain the healthy condition. In today society, people have more understanding of how to maintain healthy and the needs for supplements have increased. In this condition, probiotic has become the most popular and fast grown supplement in the market. Therefore this research is base on consumer point of view instead of focusing on probiotic technique research. And by using the method of EKB theory to discusses how consumers choose the probiotic products and provides probiotic company the marketing strategies based on this research in the future. Moreover, this research is using marketing theories to discuss the connection between consumer’s backgrounds, product characteristics, consumers’ conditions, company characteristics, and consumers’ decision-making. The conclusion of this research could provide the marketing strategies to those companies that produce probiotic products as reference and how to distinguish the market. From the documents to set up consumer behavior model and determine the connection between consumer’s backgrounds, product characteristics, consumers’ conditions, company characteristics, and consumers’ decision-making. Also bases on these concepts to provide the most completed model as reference for those who might be doing further research. In practice, through out the research could understand how to affect the consumers’ valuations on probiotic products characteristics, companies’ characteristics, and purchase decision-making. This result also could be the reference and beneficial for distinguish the market and set up the marketing strategies.


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