  • 學位論文


Quantitative Analysis of Physiological Compounds in Garlic Red Wine Extracts

指導教授 : 劉炳嵐


類黃酮及多酚類物質是植物中發現的天然化合物,為人類飲食的一部分,其潛在的藥理特性備受關注,特別是白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)、槲皮素(Quercetin)和芸香素(Rutin)為廣泛被研究的對象。根據研究報告指出,白藜蘆醇、槲皮素和芸香素的藥理學性質,具有抗氧化、抑制腫瘤生成、抗血小板、抗血栓形成、血管保護以及保護心臟的作用。本旨研究將含有多種被研究證實具生理調控機能物質的大蒜與紅葡萄酒於不同條件下浸泡,以HPLC分析紅酒大蒜浸泡液(RWG)中白藜蘆醇、槲皮素和芸香素三種有效指標成分。實驗結果得知,不同比例的大蒜紅酒浸泡液,三種有效活性成分之含量均隨著大蒜浸泡天數逐漸呈下降趨勢,其中白藜蘆醇的含量以RW7G1 (紅酒與大蒜以7:1的比例浸泡)第零天的浸泡液1.52 mg/L最高;槲皮素的含量以RW7G1第零天的浸泡液5.53 mg/L最高;芸香素的含量以RW5G1 (紅酒與大蒜以5:1的比例浸泡)同樣是第零天的浸泡液76.90 mg/L最高。另外W1G1 (水與大蒜以1:1的比例浸泡)實驗,白藜蘆醇的含量以第3天所測得的0.27 mg/L為最高;芸香素的含量以第1天測得的含量0.55 mg/L為最高,而槲皮素的成分無法有效檢出。綜合研究得知,大蒜與紅葡萄酒均含有效指標成分,且於適當的浸泡比例,能夠表現出較佳的效果,對於身體保健及心血管疾病預防,應有一定的功效。


槲皮素 白藜蘆醇 大蒜 紅酒 芸香素


Flavonoids and polyphenols, their great abundance in our diet especially in vegetables, fruits, herbs, leaves, seeds, red wine, tea, coffee, beer, and several medicinal plants, and their probable role in the prevention of various diseases associated with oxidative stress, such as cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases is emerging. Among, resveratrol, quercetin, and rutin have received more medical attention. Accordingly, these compounds are thought to have antiplatelet, antithrombosis, vessel protector, and antioxidant properties, protecting the body against the kind of damage linked to increased risk for conditions such as cancer and heart disease. Garlic (Allium sativum L.) has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes by many countries. Garlic is a particularly rich source of physiological compounds, which are thought to be responsible for its flavor and aroma, as well as its potential health benefits. In this study, three marker ingredients namely, resveratrol, quercetin, and rutin levels in garlic red wine extracts (RWG) were quantitated by HPLC. The results showed that the concentrations of these compounds were decreased with extraction time. The highest resveratrol level (1.52 mg/L) was observed at beginning of extraction (day 0) for RW5G1 (the ratio of red wine to garlic = 5:1, v/w), yet slightly better than red wine (RW) alone (1.43 mg/L). Quercetin also reached the highest level (5.53 mg/L) for RW7G1 which value is similar to the RW (5.42 mg/L). The best rutin content (76.90 mg/L) was found in the case of RW7G1 and no significant difference was found for RW at day 0. Parallely, the W1G1 (the ratio of water to garlic = 1:1, v/w) exhibited the highest resveratrol level (0.27 mg/L) at day 3 and the best rutin level of 0.55 mg/L was found at day 1. Quercetin level have becomes of negligible value while using water extract. In summary, both garlic and RW contain three marker ingredients, it is possible that a synergistic effect would be seen in an appropriate extraction ratio. Thus, will providing a healthier for cardiovascular protective effects.


Quercetin Resveratrol Garlic Red wine Rutin


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