  • 學位論文

雨林文化象徵的探索 - 婆羅洲伊班族品牌音樂專輯設計

Explore the Cultural Symbolism of Rain Forest : The Aboriginal Brand Music Album Design of Borneo Iban

指導教授 : 王桂沰




品牌 文化象徵 伊班族 形象設計


Iban is the biggest ethnic group in Borneo Sarawak. It’s full of tribal cultural symbolism. The Iban cultural symbolism is not only a media for communication, but also represents the cultural value of Iban. Therefore Iban cultural symbolism is the core of rebranding LUH brand image and music album design. In this study, lending from archetype symbolism structure by a book named “Brand Symbolism Experience” written by Kuei To –Wang, using the symbol for LUH brand image from brand association to enhance the brand value. The study is mainly using Iban religion, cultural weaving, pattern, and tattoo by combining the symbol, theme, and image of archetype symbolism structure to wield cultural symbolism design brand. Including by using painting technique on music album design. Through LUH brand and music album design writer provides a new trend cultural image, for the costumer and for the understanding of Iban cultural value.


Brand Cultural symbolism Iban Image design


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