  • 學位論文

藉由Google Flutter打造一款線上服務

Build an online service by Google Flutter

指導教授 : 羅有隆


自 2008 年智慧型手機的興起,人們就越來越依賴智慧型手機帶來的龐 大資訊,不論何時何地皆可查詢到想要知道的資訊,在本篇論文中,我們 因著每天需要煩惱的事情“食”為主題,人們進入陌生的地方,他們通常不 清楚周邊附近有什麼美味的餐廳可以選擇;隨意嘗試陌生的店家,很容易 會進到不是他們想要去的店,或是餐點性價比不高。在本篇論文中,我將 透過需求,提出並開發名為「沃克地圖」的服務,以解決人們的困擾。沃 克地圖是一款基於地理位置發展的應用程式,採用 Google 新發布的行動應 用軟體開發套件 Flutter 來開發。透過沃克地圖尋找當地的餐廳,除了基本 的地圖探索、收藏口袋、美味佳餚的資訊內容外,我們的應用程式還將可 以包含各種內容,例如:門票、活動、商品、優惠券、菜單等各種內容資 訊,這些資訊可以幫助用戶做出決定,我們希望沃克地圖可以為用戶提供 更好的線上服務。 在本篇論文中,將從頭開始開發一款線上服務,從需求面到設計,從 概念發想(idea)、用戶路徑(user story)、需求(todolist)、架構(architecture)、 線框稿(wireframe)、視覺稿(mockup)、概念原型(prototype)、系統開發 (develop)、服務上線(online)等等,以上一連串的過程,接著延伸到開發上 架等,進一步思考未來在商業模式上的可行性與未來性。我們將透過 Google Flutter 開發可在 Android 與 iOS 執行的應用程式,後端採用 NodeJS 語言來建立基底,資料庫則是採用 MongoDB,伺服器是使用 Google Cloud Platform 架設一台虛擬機器。


Since the rise of smartphones in 2008, people have increasingly relied on the huge information brought by smartphones. As long as there is the Internet available, everyone can find information anytime and anywhere. When people go into a new environment, they don't know what delicacies or attractions are nearby. They often step into places where they have unsatisfactory experiences. In this paper, we propose and develop a service on demand app named MapsWalker to solve people's embarrassment. MapsWalker is an application based on geographical location and developed by Google new released software Flutter. It uses the map to find local delicacies and attractions. In addition to the general information, our app will also include various contents such as map exploration, collection pocket, delicacy matching, tickets, events, merchandise, coupons, menus and so on. These information can also help users to make the decision and plan the next itinerary. We expect that MapsWalker app can provide users with better online service on demand. In this report, an online service will be developed from the demand side to the design, which consists of idea, user story, todolist, architecture, and wireframe, mockup, prototype, system development, online, etc. in sequence. Furthermore, the feasibility of future business models will be considered. We will use Google Flutter to develop our apps that can run on Android and iOS. The backend uses NodeJS to build the base, the database uses MongoDB, and the server uses Google Cloud Platform to set up a virtual machine.


Flutter NodeJS MongoDB Google Map UI Design


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