  • 學位論文


A study of the effect of customer’s satisfaction on the customer’s loyalty- Case of Majesty Hotel.

指導教授 : 鄭政宗 朱瑞淵


桃園縣是個與國際接軌的城市,有著便利對外交通及觀光景點,隨著觀光發展的開發與建設,相關住宿需求日增,使得一般旅館也成為旅客的住宿選擇。為此,本研究探討一般旅顧客滿意度對館顧客忠誠度影響之研究。 本研究以大爵商務飯店之住宿旅客為研究範圍與對象,進行問卷調查。共發放400份問卷,回收有效問卷369份,回收率為92%。結果顯示,接受訪問的旅客,以女性偏多、年齡以30-40歲為最多、大多數為已婚、高中職教育程度者為多數、居住地以南部者居多、超過一半之月收入為2-4萬,旅遊目的來住宿者近乎一半以及居住天數以兩天為主。顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度皆呈現中上程度,並以人員服務及價格的滿意度較高。迴歸分析顯示,顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有顯著正向影響關係,其中以設施構面的影響程度最大。由多變量變異數分析看出,住宿旅客在「年齡」、「資訊提供」、「地理位置」、「職業」、「月收入」中,其顧客滿意度皆具顯著差異;住宿旅客對於顧客忠誠度接受程度僅在「年齡」、「職業」、「住宿天數」具顯著差異。 為此,本研究建議可以結合鄰近地區旅遊景點,設計2晚以上住宿方案,以增加住宿天數。同時可以增設女性專屬客房,或提供女性專用備品來增加吸引力與滿意度,進而提升顧客忠誠度。


Taoyuan County is an international city,with convenient transportation and tourist attractions. Because of the development of tourism,the demand of accommodations is increasing,which makes the ordinary hotels as a choice. Therefore,this study investigated the general impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. This study takes Majesty Hotel''s guests as the scope and object of study,conducted with questionnaire survey. There are 369 valid questionnaires,out of 400,were collected. The results show that interviewed passengers,female with bigger majority,mostly at the age of 30-40 years old,most are married,high school education level for the majority,most live in the south Taiwan,more than half of the monthly income of 20 -40 thousand,ones with tourism purposes for accommodation,over half live on a two days base. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are presented in the upper level,and personnel services and prices with higher satisfaction. Regression analysis showed that customer satisfaction has a significant positive impact on customer loyalty relationship,in which the facets facility has the greatest influence. Through the results of multivariate analysis of variance,there are significant difference of customer satisfaction on theirs age,information provision,location,occupation and monthly income. For customer loyalty,there are significant differences on age,occupation and stay nights. Therefore,this study suggests that neighborhood attractions can be combined to design two nights or more tourism proposal to increase the days of accommodation. At the same time,set additional rooms exclusively for women,or provide female items to increase the attractiveness and satisfaction,and thus enhance customer loyalty.


關係之研究 - 以旅遊網站為例。朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系碩
8. 林志偉(2010)。溫泉旅館服務品質、顧客滿意度對忠誠度之研
