  • 學位論文

網路使用行為、網路成癮與自覺健康關係研究 ─以中部某科技大學為例

The association of Internet using Behaviors,Addiction and self-perception of Health-Among college students,Taichung

指導教授 : 葉季森


目標:探討大學網路使用行為及網路成癮現況及其與自覺健康的關係,以提供相關單位擬定大學生網路使用健康促進計劃之參考。 方法:以中部某科技大學100學年度日間部四技學生為母群體,以分層隨機抽樣法抽出520位大學生,進行結構式問卷調查,問卷內容包括:人口社會學特性、網路使用行為量表、網路成癮量表(CIAS)、自覺健康量表四部份,統計分析方法包含描述性統計、卡方檢定、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及邏輯斯迴歸分析。有效問卷回收率86.7%。 結果:大學生網路成癮(CIAS>64分)率為39.9%,男大生網路成癮率(65.0%)顯著高於女大生(35.0%)、有男女朋友者(66.1%)顯著高於無者(33.9%),學業成績低者(72.2%)顯著高於學業成績中(26.7%)及高者(1.1%)。網路平均年資男(8.50年)大於女(5.99年)、每天上網平均時數(男5.23小時>女3.55小時)有性別差異。在自覺健康方面,網路成癮傾向與自尊(r= -.86)及人際關係(r=-.84)之間呈顯著負相關,與疲勞之間呈顯著正相關(r= .82)。在控制基本變項後大一、學業成績為全班後1/3、常使用休閒娛樂性網路活動內容、人際關係較差的研究對象,具有網路成癮傾向的風險會增加。 結論:男性、有男女朋友、學業成績低之大學生是網路成癮傾向之高危險群,有網路成癮傾向者其自尊、人際關係表現低於無網路成癮傾向者,此外網路成癮傾向越嚴重其疲勞程度越大。


Objective: To investigate the relationship between the current status of college students’ internet use behavior and self-perceived health and to provide such information as reference for the development of internet use health promotion program for college students. Methods: This study selected the day school students at a college of technology in academic year 2011 as the population, and used stratified random sampling method to select 520 college students as subjects to conduct a structured questionnaire survey. The content of the questionnaire included four parts: demographic and social characteristics, internet use behavior scale, Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), and self-perceived health scale. The statistical analysis methods included descriptive statistics ,chi-square test, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, and Logistic Regression analysis. The return rate of valid questionnaires was 86.7%. Results: The internet addiction rate (CIAS>64 points) of college students is 39.9%. The internet addiction rate of male college students (65.0%) is significantly higher than that of female students (72.2%), that of students who have a boyfriend/girlfriend (66.1%) is significantly higher than that of students who do not have a boyfriend/girlfriend (33.9%); that of students whose academic performance is low (72.2%) is significantly higher than that of students whose academic performance is medium (26.7%) and high (1.1%). The average years of internet use of male college students (8.50 years) is higher than that of female students (5.99 years). There is a gender difference in average hours of internet use (male college students: 5.23 hours > female college students: 3.55 hours). In terms of self-perceived health, internet addiction tendency is significantly negatively correlated with self-esteem (r= -0.86) and interpersonal relationship (r=-0.84), and is significantly positively correlated with fatigue (r= 0.82). Conclusions: College students who are male, who have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and whose academic performance is low are the high risk groups of internet addiction. The self-esteem and interpersonal relationship performance of those with internet addiction tendency are lower than those without it. Moreover, when the internet addiction tendency is more serious, the level of fatigue is higher. in the control of the basic variables, University freshman class, academic achievement for the class after 1/3, often using the leisure and entertainment network activities, interpersonal poor object, with increased risk of Internet addiction.


李素箱、楊欽城、徐志輝、賴金模、邱睿昶〈2007〉。不同屬性大學學生電腦及網路使用時間對身體質量指數和自覺健康狀況的影響。朝陽學報,12,201-215 。
