  • 學位論文


Implementing Student Attendance Management System by Using RFID

指導教授 : 曹世昌


因員工監守自盜問題長久以來無法杜絕,造成公司額外的損失,嚴重會影響公司的生產營運,本研究針對生產公司進行改善,從製成、組裝、包裝和出貨全程受到嚴密的監控,利用高頻(High Frequency,HF)與超高頻(Ultra High Frequency,UHF)之無線射頻識別技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)為基礎架構,並搭配門禁、倉儲系統和Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2後端資料庫整合。且目前尚無針對門禁搭配倉儲控管系統做搭配的研究,一般門禁系統僅針對員工進出、考勤為主。 另外,企業生產倉儲控管針對企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)系統為主。本研究將門禁及倉儲控管兩套系統與RFID技術做結合,RFID讀寫員工識別證(Tag)紀錄,即時掌握該員工是否可進入此門禁,至於產品也貼上電子標籤(Tag),達到人員及產品門禁倉儲管控機制,當員工可進出此生產部門,離開生產部門未經授權私自攜帶產品出來,此時門禁系統會禁止此員工開門進出,並即時記錄員工進出記錄可透過查詢、稽核記錄,針對進、出異常的人員進行了解及考核,達到員工、產品進出即時控管機制,以杜絕員工為個人私慾對企業造成損失。


Due to employee embezzlement issues cannot be stopped for a long time, it results in company loss, and seriously affects the company's production operations. In this study, company operations such as manufacturing, assembling, packaging, and shipping are closely monitored to improve company operations by using HF (High Frequency) and UHF (Ultra High Frequency) RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. The RFID-based infrastructure is integrated with access control, data storage systems, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 back-end database. And at present, the access control system is mostly attendance-based for employees, and there is no access control system integrated with data storage system. In addition, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is based for production data storage and control. In this study, and data storage access control and RFID technology are combined for recording employee ID cards (Tag) at real time to control whether the employee can enter the access. And products are labeled with tags to achieve monitoring employee and product access control. When employees access the production sector, or leave the production sector carrying unauthorized products, the access control system at this time would not open the door, and records immediately logging status of employees. Through inquiry, the records of accept and reject can be audited to understand and audit abnormal employees, and therefore, it will achieve the real time control of employees and product to eliminate the corporate losses due to personal desires.


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