

腺瘤樣齒源性瘤是屬於齒源性腫瘤之一種,在口內相當罕見。主要好犯於孩童與青少年的前顎區,且通常與阻生齒有關。女性好發的機會約為男性的兩倍。一般治療方式採保守性手術切除即可,再發機率相當低,約佔0.2%。本篇病例報告為一外濾泡型腺瘤樣齒源性瘤(Extra-follicular type AOT),採取改良式造袋術進行手術切除。術後病理報告為腺瘤樣齒源性瘤,經過三年追蹤檢查,患處有骨生成現象,且兩邊受影響而移位之牙根,也恢復正常軸向。


Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is one of the intraoral odontogenic tumors. It occurs predominantly in anterior maxillary area of child and young adults in association with impacted teeth. There is predilection for occurrence of the tumor in female over male, by a ratio of 2:1. The general treatment method is conservative surgical excision, and recurrence rate is extremely low to 0.2%. The case reported is a extra-follicular type AOT. Pre-operative biopsy reporter as ameloblastic odontoma. In consideration of the patient is an adolescent female, we decided conservative surgical method with modified marsupialization to prevent the impact of facial appearance and oral function by radical surgery. After three-year follow -up, the lesion site is free of tumor. Bone regeneration of the surgical defect was evident. The displaced teeth have retuned to a normal axis.
