  • 期刊


The Provision of Oral Health Education during Orthodontic Treatment in Taiwan


為了暸解國內矯正時期口腔衛教的執行狀況,本研究以中華民國齒顎矯正學會(TAO)的會員為研究對象,以問卷形式針對口腔衛教執行的時間、執行者所屬專業、性別、醫療院所性質、看診時間長短等進行調查。調查結果發現目前國內執行口腔衛教乃以醫師本身為主(50.54%)。口腔衛教所花費的時間以在6-10分鐘所佔的比例最多(49.46%);護士/助理花在衛教指導病人的時間比醫師長(trend test,p值=0.0483)。而由牙周專科醫師執行時則口腔衛教時間皆超過三十分鐘。醫療院所類型與執行衛教時間的長短也有顯著差異(p值<0.0001)。此外,本研究發現醫師每週看診的時數與執行衛教時間的長短呈負相關;且隨著看診時數的增加,醫師花在病人的衛教時間反而減少(r=-0.2759,p值=0.0201)。醫師性別對於執行衛教時間的長短並沒有統計上顯著的差異(p值=0.54)。醫師的年齡與執行衛教時間的長短亦發現無關(p值=0.69);綜而論之,我國矯正中口腔衛教之執行情形仍相當不足,值得矯正學會及口腔衛生單位多與重視。


In order to understand the behavior towards oral hygiene instruction (OHI) for orthodontic patients in Taiwan, a questionnaire was designed by our orthodontic department and sent to members of the Taiwan Association of Orthodontists (TAO). Of 282 questionnaires mailed out, 93 were returned for a response rate of 30%. The result showed that 50.5% of OHI was performed by orthodontists. Six to ten minutes was the most-frequent length of time for OHI. The length of time for OHI performed by nurse/assistant was found to be significantly longer than that performed by an orthodontist (trend test, p=0.0483). The length of time for OHI was longer than 30 minutes when performed by a periodontist. Results also showed that there was a significant difference in the length of time for OHI between private practice and hospitals, being significantly longer in hospitals (p<0.0001). Furthermore, we found that there was a negative relationship between the working time per week and the OHI time (r=-0.2759, p=0.0201). The longer an orthodontist works per week, the less OHI time the orthodontist can provide for each patient. There was no relationship between OHI time and gender on age of the orthodontist. It was concluded that the effort for OHI for orthodontic patients in Taiwan is still far from sufficient. The dental/orthodontic associations and authorities for oral health should continue to encourage oral hygiene education for orthodontic patients.
