  • 期刊


The Reflection on Picture Analysis and Aesthetic Empathy in Art Therapy: A Case Illustration in the Open Studio Model


本篇文章透過文獻探討去釐清藝術心理治療取向中,圖畫詮釋與使用圖畫作爲心理治療之診斷工具時,可能存在的文化議題與迷思,並且探究藝術治療師在療程中若過於重視圖畫分析,可能會造成阻礙作品生命力及侷限個案藝術表現的問題。 文章中亦會提出一個以藝術即是治療爲核心概念的「開放畫室」(Open Studio)歷程中所發生的案例,來思考作品的美感與品質在評估藝術治療療效時的重要性;同時討論藝術治療師如何運用「第三隻手」的概念,營造安全的創作空間和準備適切的媒材,並且利用自身的藝術敏感度與美感同理能力,協助個案透過藝術的表達去探索個人議題。


The paper is to explore the potential problems, such as cultural issues, in the art therapy assessment and picture analysis through literature review. The overemphasis on clients' art as diagnostic tool may be potentially problematic, because it may cause the danger of having an inhibiting effect on the clients' artistic development, creativity and imagination. The article also presents a case study in the model of open studio to illustrate the importance of aesthetic quality of artworks done in the context of art therapy for assessing the outcome. The discussion of how art therapists can incorporate the concept of ”the third hand” into the practice to create a safe space and prepare a variety of materials, as well as utilize the ability of artistic sensibility and aesthetic empathy to assist clients in artistic expression is included.


