  • 學位論文

臺北都市更新的「再生」轉向? 加蚋仔堀仔頭聚落保存、更新與再生的規劃範型論爭

The 'regeneration' turn of urban renewal in Taipei? - Contestation of planning paradigms between urban conservation, renewal, and regeneration of Ga-lah-a Khut-a-thao settlement.

指導教授 : 康旻杰


回應老城區的都市問題,歐美國家在1970年代歷經都市更新(Urban Renewal)剷除重建的檢討反思,自1980年起陸續提出「都市再發展 Urban Redevelopment」與「都市再生Urban Regeneration」的規劃範型。有別於現代主義推土機式的都市 斯模式,都市再生既是對都市問題的(社會、政治、經濟)具體回應,亦是在政策上、行動上面對都市挑戰的過程;更強調經濟機會、文化維續與社會可持續性。 臺北市都市更新在發展歷程中似乎亦發生都市範型轉向。本研究將其分成幾個切片,在歷史上主要出現兩次重大轉向,第一次是1990年代的獎勵民間投資轉向,取代過往公共建設引導更新模式;其二為2010年興起的都市再生行動轉向;兩次轉向的背後驅動力皆為解決不同都市治理危機。 研究個案加蚋仔堀仔頭聚落,就在第一次都市更新轉向下,被貼上老舊窳陋地區負面標籤,成為主流歷史忽略的都市邊緣聚落。然而,這樣的都市狀態,在2014年都市再生行動者介入後產生不同的地方意義。堀仔頭保存行動雖然成功顯影各方行動者的空間想像,卻因現行都市更新參與受限於封閉的財產權系統,及至2016年,仍未能改變剷除式更新開發方案。堀仔頭更新開發與文資保存的衝突,凸顯出都市更新「再生」轉向的矛盾限制。 本研究認為,目前臺北市的都市再生範型只能說是「類都市再生」,而堀仔頭保存案例的歷史記憶召喚以及夥伴關係連結,是一種地方意義建構,亦是兼具文化與社會可持續性,並以都市保育為基礎的都市再生過程。


Urban renewal had once been valued as the main policy tool to solve urban problems in old towns before criticisms arose among the U .S. and European Countries in the 1970s. As a result, the planning theories and practices have emerged a paradigm shift from urban renewal to urban redevelopment and urban regeneration since the 1980s. Compared with urban renewal, urban regeneration aims to confront spatial as well as social, political and economic problems, and tackle the urban challenges through policy reform and action planning. Its emphases on economic opportunities, cultural continuity, and social sustainability differ from the modernist renewal model that often prompts wholesale clearance of the urban fabrics through development incentives. The urban experiences of Taipei share similar policy changes. This thesis analyzes the process of transformation and identifies two major turns of the municipal policy reform. The first turn appeared in the 1990s when the corporate-led urban renewal replaced the infrastructure-led renewal model after the implementation of the Urban Renewal Act, and the second turn happened when the discourse of urban regeneration was motivated as practical policy tools in 2010. Both turns responded to the crises of urban governance of different periods. However, the studied case in this thesis, the conservation and renewal struggle of Khut-a-thao settlement of the historical Ga-lah-a district exhibits the conundrums and paradox of the urban regeneration “turn” in Taipei. Khut-a-thao settlement was officially recognized as a deterioration area by the government when the corporate-led urban renewal policy was active in the 1990s and became a marginalized urban settlement overlooked by public attention. Not until 2014 when the activists of the third sector intervened and constructed a “local” model of placemaking and later became incorporated as a governmental project of urban regeneration, has the status of Khut-a-thao settlement been recognized as a cultural heritage officially yet only partially. Despite the fact that the conservation action of Khut-a-thao settlement has altered the process of the original renewal plan, the development intent of landscape clearance remains the same. The internal tension between the property shareholders and the conservation stakeholders reveals the constraint of urban regeneration that is bounded by property ownership. This thesis argues that the reconstruction of place meaning and collective memory is an indispensable part of urban regeneration and concludes that the urban regeneration paradigm of Taipei City is only a ‘semi-regeneration’ represented by singular conservation projects and a few adaptive reuse programs, but the once promising opportunities of the Khut-a-thao settlement conservation and its associated partnership connecting the local residents, the academic group, the professional planning and design teams, artists, and the government have somewhat slipped due to the unfulfilled cultural and social sustainability of the conservation-based regeneration.


李琦華、林峰田(2007)〈台灣聚落的空間型構法則分析〉,《中華民國建築學會「建築學報」》60: 27-45。
康旻杰(2012)〈「掠奪」資本主義城市中的都市保存〉,《文化研究》15: 230-241。
