  • 學位論文


Study on Visitors’ Perceptions of the Environmental Education Values and Environmental Literacy in Mt. Huangzui Ecological Protected Area of Yangmingshan National Park

指導教授 : 劉奇璋


位於陽明山國家公園的磺嘴山生態保護區,已累積相當的自然資源、地質、地景方面之研究,具有豐富之環境教育資源。因應國內《環境教育法》的實施,民眾對於環境教育場域有所需求,因此,訪客對於本區域環境教育的價值認知與環境教育方案規劃的看法在整個保護區的經營管理規劃上便亟具重要性。 本研究之研究目的為:瞭解磺嘴山生態保護區訪客的環境素養以及訪客對磺嘴山生態保護區之環境教育價值認知為何?進而探討訪客的環境素養、環境教育價值認知與付費意願、付費金額之相關性。 在本次研究中發展一量性分析之量表,主要分為:(1)遊客背景資料、(2)環境態度、(3)環境行為、(4)磺嘴山生態保護區環境知識、(5)磺嘴山生態保護區環境教育價值認知,共五部分。採用新生態典範量表、Hungerford五大環境行為理念作為環境態度及環境行為的量測。 研究調查日期為2016年8月6日至10月17日,透過紙本及網路的發放方式,共取得有效問卷169份。使用卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析和逐步多元迴歸分析進行結果闡述與研究假設之驗證。本研究得到的主要結論如下: (1)訪客對於磺嘴山生態保護區環境教育價值是認同且贊成的,同意將來於磺嘴山態保護區內進行環境教育的推行,也認同磺嘴山生態保護區的環境教育價值能夠滿足個人方面的需求。 (2)在環境素養及相關的統計分析中,得出以教育程度較高、學術人員、以科學研究目的與有環境教育認證需求進入磺嘴山生態保護區者,擁有較高的環境素養及付費意願。 (3)訪客對於磺嘴山生態保護區環境教育價值的個人認同及需求與付費意願及自填付費金額(元)為顯著相關的關係,對陽管處的認同程度與付費意願的程度及付費的金額高低為正相關。 若陽管處將來於區內推行環境教育措施,建議可由訪客接受度最高的增設解說看板開始,其次為入園前至工作站觀看影片,而後是由志工陪同導覽。收費的部分則為訪客的最後考量。以上的研究結果可提供經營管理方在實施決策時做參考。


The Mt. Huangzui Ecological Protected Area, located in Yangmingshan National Park, is characterized by its rich natural resources, distinct geological phenomena, and high scenic values. Therefore, this Area has long been regarded valuable for geological and landscape researches and environmental education. Since the implementation of the Environmental Education Act, public needs for environmental education have been steadily growing. To promote the environmental education values of the Area and the environmentally educational programs organized in the Area, it is important for the Area administration to maintain positive communication with visitors and properly receive and react to their opinions and needs. The objectives of this study are to: a) survey visitors’ environmental literacy and their perceptions of the environmental education values of the Mt. Huangzui Ecological Protected Area; b) survey the visitor’s willingness to pay for the Area; and c) determine the correlations among the above dimensions. To perform the aforementioned surveys, a quantitative questionnaire was designed to investigate visitors’ background information, environmental attitudes, environmental behaviors, environmental knowledge and perception of the environmental education values regarding the Mt. Huangzui Ecological Protected Area. Moreover, the New Ecological Paradigm scale and Hungerford’s five environmental behavior were adopted to evaluate the environmental attitudes and environmental behaviors of visitors. Both paper-based and online questionnaire surveys were conducted between August 6th and October 17th, 2016, and a total of 169 valid responses were collected. Subsequently, Chi-square tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed to justify the hypotheses proposed. According to the results, conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) Most visitors perceive high environmental education values of the Mt. Huangzui Ecological Protected Area. Considering that environmental educational programs organized in the reserve can address their personal needs, most visitors are willing to participate such programs. (2) People who received higher education (e.g., researchers and scientists) as well as people who have needs for accreditation of environmental education have high environmental literacy and are highly likely to pay for the admission. (3) A significantly positive correlation exists between visitors’ perception of the environmental education values and willingness to pay. Moreover, a similar correlation was identified between visitors’ perception of the role function of the Area administration and the price of the admission fee. In addition, suggestions are provided to assist Yangmingshan National Park administration in enhancing the efficacy of its environmental education: additional information and education boards could be erected in the Mt. Huangzui Ecological Protected Area; visitors could be organized to watch educational videos before entering the Area; when visiting the Area, visitors should be guided by trained volunteers. Lastly, visitors are allowed to voluntarily decide to pay the admission fee.


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