  • 學位論文


A Social Network Analysis of High School Geography Teachers’ Participation in GIS In-service Training

指導教授 : 賴進貴


近年我國積極推動教育改革,資訊能力提升尤其普遍被認為是改革的重點之一。高中地理課程自95課綱大幅增加地理資訊科學主題,相關教育單位配合提供大量資源。地理教育推廣由大學研究及開發出的新技能,透過各種傳播管道及社會網絡,逐步擴散到高中教學現場。從教育革新的實務面和理論面來看,高中地理資訊的推廣值得深度了解,而社會網絡分析是探討地理資訊研習推廣的面向之一。   本研究以社會網絡分析方式,對高中地理老師進行問卷調查,分析GIS研習資訊社會網絡分布情形。本研究使用社會網絡軟體UCINET,視覺化與全網絡描述地理老師間研習傳遞的模式,並利用迴歸分析探討老師的社會網絡中心性以及其個人特徵變數,是否影響參與GIS研習的程度。   研究結果顯示,高中老師研習資訊來源網絡的密度較高,而資訊對象網絡因為諸多社會因素造成密度低的現象。各個地理教育推廣行為者,包括高中老師個人與相關地理教育推廣組織,教育推廣組織從上到下的傳遞訊息能力,高過老師相互傳遞地理資訊研習訊息,因此老師之間傳遞研習訊息的程度相對較低。另外,迴歸分析結果指出老師的社會網絡中心性越高,參與程度相對也提高。此外,教育程度越高、服務於公立學校之教師,參與程度也較高。


Recently, education reforms have been vigorously carried out in Taiwan, focusing on improving educators’ ability to teach information technology. GIS-oriented classes are accordingly added to the curriculum of Geography in Taiwan’s high schools. Some promotional organizations and resources are also planned in the new policy.   Methodologically, this study uses questionnaires to gather information of how teachers spread information of GIS-relevant learning opportunities, such as workshops. Social network analysis is used to visualize the connection of teachers and to help understand whether the network is compact. Lastly, I explore whether teachers’ centralities in the information diffusion network can affect the extent of their participation in GIS workshops.   Whole network analysis reveals that the network which depicts how teachers obtain GIS workshop information is much denser than the network which depicts how teachers spread workshop information. Geography education organizations play central roles in disseminating information of GIS workshops. Teachers, however, are more passive in terms of spreading workshop information to their peers. This leads us to discover that teachers’ centralities can only partially explain their frequencies of attending workshops. Other factors, such as teachers’ education level and the types of school they are from also matter. Teachers with higher education background and those working in public schools are more active in attending GIS workshops.


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