  • 學位論文


Effects of human activities on the ecological processes of river biofilms in the Keelung river

指導教授 : 李美慧


基隆河為大臺北地區重要的河川資源,受到人為活動的影響甚劇。過去常以水質與生物性指標做為評估河川生態系統的標的,但對河川生態系統作用的量測著墨甚少。本研究利用生物膜對河川生態系統作用的重要性,分別在七堵、瑞芳、三貂嶺和菁桐四點進行採樣,採樣時間為2012年12月至2013年11月,每月採樣一次,量測生物膜中七種胞外酵素活性 (β-d-glucosidase、alkaline phosphatase、leucine-aminopeptidase、aryl sulfatase、esterase、peroxidase與polyphenol oxidase) 與光合作用效率作為檢視河川生態系統作用的參數,並分析生物膜體內氧化壓力,藉此了解都市型河川在不同人為活動壓力與棲地型態下,造成的河川生態系統作用影響。 根據本研究結果,顯示基隆河中上游河川生態系統作用受人為干擾的影響,光合作用效率 (Fv / Fm指數),於四樣點皆低於正常常態值 (0.7-0.8),表示其初級生產力較低,將可能進一步影響河川生態系的食物鏈平衡與能量傳遞。河道棲地的干擾如河濱植被的移除,使得水中陸源碳減少,造成生物膜胞外酵素中peroxidase與polyphenol oxidase組成比例降低,進而影響碳循環功能。各樣點leucine-aminopeptidase以及esterase組成比例高,突顯基隆河中上游有機物代謝以含氮與酯類物質為主,顯示基隆河中上游受人為汙水排放的影響。此外,各樣點生物膜檢測氧化壓力所造成的脂質過氧化現象,其中以七堵樣點的生物膜反應較大,瑞芳、三貂嶺與菁桐三樣點之生物膜的脂質過氧化彼此間無顯著差異。 過去基隆河調查水質與生物指標所呈現的梯度現象,於本研究中各樣點生物膜呈現之河川生態系統作用特徵有所不同,上游樣點的生態系統作用特徵,顯示明顯的人為活動干擾造成的影響,瑞芳與七堵具有相似的特徵,而菁桐介於瑞芳和三貂嶺之間的特徵型態,展現與以往水質或生物指標不同的情況,依據瑞芳與菁桐的調查結果,表示生態系統作用與水質環境並非單純的線性關係,儘管上游樣點水質呈現良好,但其河川生態系統作用卻可能已經受到干擾而無法提供正常功能。


Many anthropogenic disturbances and their effects of aquatic ecosystem are difficult to quantify in urbanized rivers. In this study, we used river biofilms as a bioindicator to understand the effects of human activities on the ecological processes of river ecosystem in a highly urbanized river by examining their extracellular enzyme activities (β-d-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, leucine-aminopeptidase, aryl sulfatase, esterase, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase), chlorophyll a fluorescence and oxidative stress on biofilms monthly from December 2012 to November 2013. We sampled four sites (Chi-Du, Ruei-Fang, San-Diau Ling and Jing-Tong) along the Keelung river which is one of the most polluted and urbanized rivers in Taiwan. Based on this study, the impact of human activities on biofilm ecological processes showed in four study sites. The removal of riparian plants could change the biofilm extracellular enzyme activities of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase by influencing lignin degradation. Domestic pollution and sewage caused the high proportion of leucine-aminopeptidase and esterase among four study sites. Results of biofilm Fv/ Fm index from four study sites were all under a pressure state (below the normal level in 0.7-0.8). This phenomenon would influence the balance between food web and energy cycle in the river ecosystem. In addition, effects of oxidative stress were measured in four study sites. Biofilm response of lipid peroxidation in Chi-Du showed more environmental stress than those of the other sites. In summary, characteristics of biofilm ecological processes in the upper reaches displayed the impact on physical and chemical stresses in the Keelung river which could not be detected only by water quality parameters and biological indexes. Similar patterns of biofilm ecological processes were observed between the upper and the middle reaches. Bases on the results obtained from Ruei-Fang and Jing-Tong sites, the relationship between biofilm ecological processes and water quality might not be linear. The performance of biofilm ecological processes might show under a pressure state at four study sites, even though water quality index exhibited in good to excellent condition at the upper reaches of the Keelung river.


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