  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Agricultural Land Prices in Yilan County

指導教授 : 林國慶


臺灣地狹人稠,土地資源有限。以土地作為生產要素的本質而言,農地價格反映其農業生產收益,而都市邊緣農地受到都市成長的影響,價格尚包含預期未來轉用後的潛在價值,以致市場價格高於其作為農地的收益價格。農地價格高漲不利農業發展,農地亦不能僅限農業部門使用,瞭解農地價格有助於整體政策規劃,促進資源有效運用。 宜蘭縣位於臺灣東北角,地形以高山地區較多,農地主要分佈於蘭陽平原,宜蘭縣鄰近人口密度最高的臺北都會區,農業發展條例修訂及國道5號通車後,使得宜蘭縣農地受到非農業因素的影響更為顯著,各鄉鎮市區間的農地價格差異逐漸擴大,都市化程度較高或有重大交通建設之鄉鎮,農地價格明顯高於以農業為主的地區。近三年宜蘭縣都市土地價格增長高於全國,對農地轉用後之預期潛在增值帶動宜蘭縣農地價格持續提升,也造成農業生產力及產值下降。為瞭解宜蘭縣農地價格,本研究採用宜蘭縣農地交易實價登錄資料,分析宜蘭縣農地交易情況,探討宜蘭縣農地價格之影響因素及區位特性對農地價格影響。 宜蘭縣農地交易頻繁,交易面積佔該縣市農地面積比率為全國各縣市第二高者,僅次於桃園市,交易標的含登記建物之比率更為各縣市中最高者。2013年至2015年宜蘭縣農地交易價格逐年遞增,平均交易價格約為每公頃3,687萬元,遠高於農業生產收益所得,農地價格除農業地租,尚包含土地轉用後的預期增值。宜蘭縣12個鄉鎮市區農地價格有顯著差異,羅東鎮和宜蘭市二大主要都會區農地價格最高,每公頃超過6,000萬元。 實證分析區位可及性對農地價格之影響,分別衡量個別土地坵塊與區域中心(宜蘭火車站和羅東火車站)、國道5號交流道、鄉鎮市區地方行政中心之距離,與區域中心、高速公路交流道、地方行政中心之距離愈近,農地價格遞增,且隨著與區域中心、高速公路交流道、地方行政中心之距離愈近,農地價格增加的幅度愈大,受到來自市場轉用的壓力較大。與十年前的研究資料相比較,地價曲線顯得更為陡峭,隨著與區域中心及高速公路交流道之距離愈近,價格增加比率愈高,區位可及性對農地價格之影響更形重要。 除區位可及性,移轉面積、非都市土地使用分區、都市化程度、交易年度等因素均會影響宜蘭縣農地價格。移轉面積愈大,農地價格愈低,惟因法令規範申請興建農舍之面積需大於0.25公頃,當移轉面積大於0.25公頃,農地價格趨勢出現轉折,農地價格顯著上升;非都市土地使用分區之特定農業區和一般農業區農地價格較山坡地保育區為高,而特定農業區的農地價格又高於一般農業區;都市化程度也會影響農地價格,當人口密度愈高,農地價格愈高,另大同鄉和南澳鄉多為山地地形,發展相對受限,農地價格顯著低於宜蘭縣其他鄉鎮市區;從交易年度來看,2013年至2015年之農地價格逐年遞增。 來自非農業使用需求增加,農地難以僅限農業生產使用,政府應綜合考量經濟發展及糧食安全等因素,對土地政策提出完整規劃,適度且有規劃地釋出農地,增加都會區及其周遭土地供給,及在以農業為主之地區劃設農業發展專區,確保農地完整性,維護良好之生產環境,以促進整體土地資源之有效使用,並配合適當之土地利用管理策略,防止土地被不當使用,以維護農業生產力及提升整體社會福祉。


農地價格 農地區位 宜蘭縣


Taiwan is a densely populated country with limited land resources. As land is by nature a factor of production, prices of agricultural land reflect the returns from its agricultural use. Farmland at urban fringe is, however, affected by urban development. Thus, its prices include the potential value of expected future conversion. Therefore, the market prices are higher than the returns from agricultural use. The soaring farmland prices have adverse effects on agricultural development. Moreover, agricultural land should not be restricted to be used by agricultural sectors. Understanding of agricultural land prices facilitates overall policy planning and promotes effective utilization of resources. Yilan County is located at northeastern Taiwan. Its landforms are dominated by mountains with farmland mainly spreads across the Lanyang Plain. Yilan County is close to the greater Taipei region which has the highest population density in Taiwan. Since the amendments to the Agricultural Development Act and the opening of Freeway No. 5, impacts of non-agricultural factors on farmland in Yilan County become more significant and the price difference of agricultural land between townships gradually increases. The prices of farmland in townships with higher degree of urbanization or major transport infrastructure are significantly higher than those in agriculture-based areas. During the past three years, urban land of Yilan County has the highest price increments in the nation. The expected potential increments from the conversion of agricultural land drive the continuous increase of farmland prices in the County. It also results in diminishing agricultural productivity and production value. To understand the agricultural land prices of Yilan County, the study uses data from the actual price registration for farmland in Yilan County to analyze those transactions and to inquire into the influencing factors on the prices of agricultural land in Yilan County and the impacts of site specificity on prices. Farmland in Yilan County is traded frequently. The County has the second-highest ratio of area of transacted land to that of overall agricultural land, following Taoyuan City; and the highest ratio of traded objects with registered buildings in the nation. From 2013 to 2015, the trading prices of agricultural land in Yilan County increase each year. The average transaction price is roughly NT$ 36.87 million per hectare, much higher than revenues generated from agricultural use. In addition to rents, agricultural land prices include the expected value increments after land conversion. Significant difference in agricultural land prices is noted between different townships within Yilan County. Luodong Township and Yilan City, the two major metropolises, have the highest agricultural land prices, i.e. each hectare exceeds NT$ 60 million. The empirical study analyses the impact of location accessibility on agricultural land prices. It separately measures the distance between individual land lot and reginal centers (Yilan Train Station and Luodong Train Station), interchanges of Freeway No. 5, and administrative centers. As the distance between the land lot and reginal centers, freeway interchanges, and administrative centers decreases, agricultural land prices increase. Moreover, as the distance between the land lot and reginal centers, freeway interchanges, and administrative centers decreases, the agricultural land price increments increase and the pressure for conversion grows larger. Comparing to studies conducted a decade ago, the price curve of land becomes steeper. The changes in distance to reginal centers and freeway interchanges correlate with larger price rate of change. Hence, a more profound impact of location accessibility on agricultural land prices is identified. In addition to location accessibility, area transferred, non-urban land zoning, degree of urbanization, and year of transaction are all factors affecting the agricultural land prices in Yilan County. The greater the area transferred, the lower the agricultural land price. However, as the laws stipulate that farmhouses are allowed only on land with area greater than 0.25 hectare, a turning point is noted on the price trend for agricultural land when the transferred area is greater than 0.25 hectare, i.e. there is a significant increase in the agricultural land prices. The prices of agricultural land within special and common agricultural zones under non-urban land are higher than the one in the hillside conservation zones and the prices of agricultural land within special agricultural zones are higher than the one in common agricultural zones. The degree of urbanization also affects the agricultural land prices. The prices rise as the population density increases. In addition, Datong and Nanao Townships are located at mountainous regions. Thus, their developments are relatively limited. The agricultural land prices within those areas are significantly lower than other townships within Yilan County. By transaction years, the prices of agricultural land increase each year from 2013 to 2015. As the demands for non-agricultural use increase, it is difficult to utilize farmland solely for agricultural production. The government should take into account factors such as economic development and food security when formulating comprehensive plans for land policies. Agricultural land should be released in an appropriate and orderly manner to increase the supply of land for metropolitan area and its surroundings. Also, agricultural development zone should be established in agriculture-based areas to ensure the integrity of agricultural land and maintain a sound production environment in order to facilitate the effective use of overall land resources. Appropriate management strategies for land use should be implemented to prevent improper exploitation and thus retain agricultural productivity and enhance overall social well-being.



