  • 學位論文


Photobook Publishing as Everyday Life Aesthetics

指導教授 : 谷玲玲


當今社會美感意識抬頭,生活風格雜誌相繼創刊,美感生活趨勢興起,強調追求日常生活中的個人幸福感。美感生活是一種人人皆可達成的生活態度,已經跳脫過去以消費文化為主的品味追求,因此本研究以個人在日常生活中的美感創作「相片書」為研究對象,探討大眾創造美感和體驗美感的過程。 本研究以深度訪談法訪問22位具有美感意識的相片書創作者,了解其創作相片書的審美過程、從中獲得的美感體驗以及從相片書延伸出的美感生活樣貌。另外,在數位時代的今天,攝影與相片的本質已有轉變,而結合數位技術的「新科技」與印刷紙本的「舊科技」而成的相片書也企圖改變大眾利用相片的行為,因此本研究也從科技角度檢視相片書的文化意義。 研究發現,第一,相片書是活化記憶的媒介,人們透過相片書以說故事的方式訴說生命,相片和記憶都獲得再創造。第二,相片書重塑日常生活並展現另類的自我實現,大眾在數位相機、數位相片、修圖軟體、相片書編輯軟體等新科技共同影響之下,獲得更強的能力去重塑日常生活經驗,建構理想的生命故事。「真實」的意義已經改變,我們從新的真實中獲得滿足,也發展出新的自我概念。 第三,數位浪潮之下實體仍然無可取代,數位時代之下舊科技能夠以和新科技結合的方式佔有一席之地,而相片書的興起顯示實體、紙張、書本的情感價值無可取代。第四,達成自我實現就是實現美感生活,相片書的創作激發受訪者對生活意義的思考,加強對人生信念的認同,更加認識內在的自己,而越接近真正的自我就越有機會達成美感生活。 本研究期望啟發大眾對「美感生活」概念的理解,使人人都有追求美感生活的能力。同時,希望豐富傳播學界對美感和日常生活領域的研究,並藉由相片書啟發大眾對新科技影響之下自我概念的省思。


相片書 相片 攝影 美感 美感生活 審美


Our society has put more emphasis on aesthetics since there are more and more magazines focusing on life style and everyday life aesthetics. How to chase and grasp the sense of happiness in everyday life has become an issue and an important living skill nowadays. Everyday life aesthetics is a positive attitude to life for everyone rather than a consuming culture focusing on taste. Therefore, this study takes photobooks as the objective to explore people’s art work in everyday life in order to understand how people create and experience aesthetics. The study interviews 22 people who have published photobooks and are conscious of aesthetics to understand how they create their photobooks, how to experience aesthetics and what everyday life aesthetics they have. On the other hand, this study also explores the photobook on the angle of technology in this digital era since the essence of photo and photography has changed, and photobooks itself involves new technology of digital technology and old technology of printing. The study suggests four findings: first, photobooks activate our memory. People use photobooks as an agent to tell their life stories in a way that photos and memory are re-created. Second, photobooks re-write our original life experiences and thus a new reality is created and a new concept of self is developed. This comes from the effects of digital camera, digital photo and photobook editing tool. Third, the old technology does not die even in this digital era because it combines with new technology and enables people to take advantage from both sides. Photobooks suggest physical items, papers and books, are still valuable. Finally, everyday aesthetics can be reached by self-actualization. In the process of creating photobooks, the interviewees develop their creativity, think more about the meaning of life, and strengthen their life goals so they achieve self-actualization, which enables people to experience everyday life aesthetics. This study aims to inspire people to live in aesthetics and lead a life full of happiness. Also, the study provides a new angle for the academic community of communication to study people’s everyday life. Finally, the study suggests the new concept of self in this digital era.


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