  • 學位論文


Employee Mobility of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


合理的人力流動制度對於人事行政的工作非常重要,它一方面讓公務人員能隨著工作經驗和能力的改變,調整職務,增加行政知能,此為水平流動;另一方面讓績優同仁晉職,增加其待遇,作為工作績效的鼓勵,此為垂直流動。 環保署為全國環保事務最高決策主管機關,其政策制定與資源永續利用及民眾生活品質之良窳息息相關。本研究最主要的目的,是希望藉由檢視環保署2005年至2015年間組織與業務情況,及其人力結構、數量與素質等之變化,並與全國行政機關加以比較分析,以整體性評估其現況。另探討環保署在觀察期間內,人力垂直與水平流動的實際狀況與遭遇問題,及對機關內成員造成的影響。最後基於上述分析結果,進一步提出具體建議,以作為未來精進相關措施之參考。 在研究方法上,包含文獻分析法及深度訪談法。在文獻分析方面,除將從國內外相關書籍、論文、研究報告、期刊、政府出版品、法令規章等資料文獻,進行整理、歸納及分析;另就環保署人事管理資料庫中,蒐集人員之基本屬性含年齡、性別、年資與學歷等相關資料,作為人力分析的藍本,進行相關統計分析,以瞭解環保署人力素質及人力流動問題,並據以研提更為具體可行且符合實務狀況的人事管理措施。至深度訪談,擇選環保署內不同單位、不同官等或職等人員人員共10人,及其他中央二級機關人事人員3人為訪談對象。 本研究發現環保署人員高齡化的現象明顯,很快即將面臨退休潮及人才斷層的危機:且組織內確有性別不平等、陞遷本位主義,以及人力流動面臨困境等問題。最後,在結論與建議部分,則針對相關研究結果提出討論,並且根據分析的結果,具體提出各項有助於提升人力運用及流動的方向策略。


人力 流動 陞遷 輪調 環保署


A reasonable employee manpower mobility system is very important for personnel administration. The function of employee manpower mobility system is not only to enable employees to work according to their experience but also to increase administrative knowledge by adjusting their positions; this is called horizontal manpower mobility. And the function of employee manpower flow system is also to promote the positions of outstanding employees as encouragement for their excellent performances; this is called vertical manpower mobility. Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) is the nation's highest decision-making authority in the area of environmental protection. The policies of the EPA are very closely related to national resources sustainability and quality of people's life. The main purposes of this study are as follows. First, the study assessed the whole manpower status of EPA by reviewing organization and business of the EPA and comparing its manpower structure, quality, quantity and the changing tendencies with the national status from 2005 to 2015. Second, the study explored real situations and impact on EPA employees caused by vertical and horizontal manpower flow during the EPA observation period. Finally, based on the abovementioned analysis, this study put forward further proposals as future improving measures to the EPA. The study utilized two research methods: the literature review method and in-depth interview method. In the literature review method, the study collected, analyzed and summarized the relevant data and information from both domestic and foreign books, research reports, journal papers, and official published materials. In addition, the study downloaded the basic characteristic data from the EPA personnel management system, involving age, gender, seniority, qualifications and so on, to analyze the manpower qualities and mobility of the EPA. The results of the aforementioned analysis were utilized to develop more specific and feasible measures. As to in-depth interviews method, the study selected ten staff members from different departments of the EPA and three personnel staff members from other central government agencies as interviewees to interview in depth. This study found that the aging phenomena would lead to a crisis of talent drain in the EPA. And there were manpower problems involving gender inequality within the organization, selfish in-department promotion and mobility difficulties and other problems. Finally, the study suggested the detailed and helpful strategies to improve manpower utilization and mobility in the conclusions and recommendations section.


