  • 學位論文

防毒軟體雲端服務的商業模式創新 — T公司個案研究

A Study of Business Model innovation Adopted by T Company

指導教授 : 許瑋元 郭瑞祥


本論文研究主題為個案防毒雲端軟體如何在資訊安全市場已幾近商品化的情形之下,在通路策略上做出差異化,並且與通路夥伴建立起共生共榮的商業生態系統,為使用者創造更多價值,同時在競爭白熱化的全球市場,找到重新啟動成長引擎的關鍵。 本研究主要採用文獻分析及個案討論之方式,探討軟體的通路策略和管理服務供應商所扮演的角色和他們提供的價值,再討論商業模式的創新理論。接下來分析過去幾年來防毒軟體產業的興衰,以及軟體和防毒軟體的市場及產業競爭的趨勢。 個案的部份以世界前三大資訊安全軟體廠商之一的T公司為本研究主要研究個案。研究發現個案公司能在通路上創造出另人刮目相看的成長。主要仰賴商業模式創新的四個關鍵: 一、 清楚而有吸引力的價值主張:降低成本、提高利潤。這對於通路商是最有吸引力的主張。 二、 創造穩定收入的利潤公式:開發管理服務供應商帶來每月固定的營收。 三、 關鍵的技術資源:需要有具備整合能力的研究開發人員和T公司的遠端監控軟體,為管理服務供應商提供加值的工具。 四、 關鍵流程:專注於購買、付款和佈署等流程的精簡化。 透過上述的策略,T公司在過去幾年已展現很好的業務成果,也證明即使在產品很難做到差異化的情況之下,還是能由商業生態體系及商業模式走出創新的一步,進而強化自己的競爭能力也將競爭由產品延伸到服務層次。


The study aims at providing a case study of efficient business model innovation. The case – cloud security solution in T company, demonstrates how T company can create a business eco system with channel partners and create more value for the end customers. It also shows an organization can restart the growth engine even in a extremely competitive market. Documentary analysis and case study is adopted to understand the channel strategies among software industry, roles and responsibilities of managed service provided and their value to the customers. The study also reviews the innovation of business model and the industrial analysis of the antivirus software market in the past decade. Case T company is one of the top 3 security software vendors in the world. This study investigates and concludes the four key success factors which make T company gains business success by enabling managed service provider as important channel partners. There are four key success factors: 1.Clear value proposition : Reduce cost and increase margin for channel partners. 2. Profit Formula: create recurring profit for the partners. 3. Key resources: Invest RD staff on the system integration and developing remote monitor and management solutions. 4. Key process: streamline the purchase, payment and deployment process. The study shows even it is difficult to create the differentiation from product perspective, but with the capability of business model innovation and value creation, every organization or company stands a chance to win the competition.


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1. Introduction to managed service providers
