  • 學位論文


The Connection Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Re-purchase Willingness in TV Home Shopping Industry

指導教授 : 黃崇興


台灣電視購物產業的市場規模從2000年的5億元成長到2008年的450億元,且平均每十人中就有一人曾在電視購物頻道消費過,「電視購物」這樣的消費通路對消費者而言越來越不陌生,有別於實體零售業與網路購物,電視購物為消費者帶來全新的購物體驗。儘管如此,電視購物尚屬虛擬通路的範疇,如何取得消費者的信賴並讓消費者滿意,進而成為忠誠客戶,同樣是電視購物產業的重要課題。 本研究以問卷的方式來收集資料,並透過結構方程模式探討消費者對電視購物的知覺品質是否會影響滿意度與再購意願,研究結果發現:(1)本研究定義的知覺品質包括節目品質、訂購品質、售後服務品質、退換貨服務品質、貨物運送品質等,對於顧客滿意度及再購意願皆有顯著的正向影響;(2)對整體滿意度影響最高為訂購服務品質,其次為售後服務品質,顯示對顧客滿意度而言客服指標確實是關鍵因素所在;(3)再購意願方面,同樣以訂購服務品質對再購意願影響最高,其次為售後服務品質。顯示電視購物的消費過程中,影響再購意願較大的關鍵因素是業者對於訂購時的服務與商品售後的服務是否能讓消費者獲得滿意,同時也反應出當消費者在面對虛擬通路的消費模式時,因為訂購時的服務與售後的服務能降低消費者的購買風險,進而增加消費者電視購物通路的信賴度,並提升消費者的再購意願。 關鍵字:電視購物、知覺品質、顧客滿意度、再購意願、結構方程模式


The market scale of TV Home Shopping industry in Taiwan has grown from 500 million in year 2000 to 45 billion in 2008, averagely every 1 in 10 consumers has experience purchasing product from TV shopping channels, and they are getting more and more adaptable to such model, which is different from that of substantial retailing and internet shopping and has brought to the consumers brand new shopping experience. Despite of its "Virtual" category, the challenges of how to gain reliance, create customer satisfaction and further grow customer loyalty has becoming equally important task for the TV Home Shopping industry. By analyzing the survey data collected via questionnaire through Structural Equation Model, this study tried to explore whether the "Conscious Quality" consumers experienced during the TV shopping process would impact the level of satisfaction and repurchase willingness. The result showed that: (1) the "Conscious Quality" defined in this study, including the quality of TV Program, Order Taking, After-sale Service, Return/exchange Service, Order Delivery…etc., has significantly impacted the level of customer satisfaction and repurchase willingness; (2) The quality factor that impacted overall customer satisfaction most is "Order Taking", followed by "After-sale Service"; Customer Service Indicator is with critical meaning in terms of customer satisfaction. (3) Similar to the previous finding, the quality factors that impacted repurchase willingness most is, again, the "Order Taking", followed by "After-sale Service". This also reflected that when purchasing through virtual outlet, mechanisms of order taking and after-sale services that reduce consumer's risk concerns would in turn increase the reliance of TV Shopping and boost consumer's repurchasing willingness. Key words: TV Home Shopping, Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Willing


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