  • 學位論文

我國公共政策網路參與機制之研究- vTaiwan及Join平臺之比較分析

Taiwan's E-Participation in Public Policy-- A Comparison Study Between vTaiwan and Join Platform

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


國際上各主要國家已將民眾透過資通訊科技參與公共政策決策(E參與)列為政府創新應用服務的關鍵指標,以建立與民眾間雙向溝通管道,鼓勵民眾參與決策制定過程,打造開放政府為目標,網路參與已成為一個不可忽視的公共政策參與管道。我國於2015年分別建立vTaiwan及Join二個平臺之網路參與機制,有別以往我國傳統公共政策參與模式。網路參與平台運作機制如何助益引領民眾參與公共政策之擬定與執行,達成開放政府良善治理目標,為本研究之研究動機。 本研究以聯合國報告建議之網路參與評估框架,設計我國公共政策網路參與機制評估架構,透過文獻分析及深度訪談,分從制度面、參與面、技術工具面,探討vTiawan及Join二平臺運作現況之比較分析。 研究發現vTaiwan平臺與Join平臺為二種不同運作模式,組織重視度不同,參與結果影響程度也有差異。vTaiwan平臺參與者多為對網路熟悉者,且對政務委員負政治責任的態度,多為正面肯定,參與意願高,容易建立共識,建立了我國公共政策網路參與的前瞻實驗模式;Join平臺上參與者所提供之意見納入決策制定過程討論的部分較欠缺的,對政策的影響相對較薄弱,其貢獻在於將公共政策網路參與機制制度化,深耕至各部會。二者都有法規配套未周全、行政運作整合度不足,參與者不夠廣泛度、資訊提供不易理解、中介者功能容易因人而異等問題。最後提出研究建議,期供各政府機關藉鏡vTiawan及Join平臺推動經驗,善用資通訊科技打造雙向、開放的溝通與對話空間,作為後續我國公共政策網路參與推動之參考。


Major countries in the world has classified e-participation as a critical index of innovative services of government in order to establish a two-way communication channel between citizens and government. Those countries encourage their citizens to take part in the process of public policy making through e-participation as well as build an open government as a goal. E-participation has become a channel that cannot be ignored for people to participate in public policy making. In Taiwan, vTaiwan and Join have been established in 2015 in order to provide a mechanism of online participation in the process of public policy making and are different from traditional public participation. This study aims to explore how e-participation can benefit people to join in the process of the making and implementing of public policies in order to achieve the goal of open government and of good governance. This research utilized the framework of evaluation for e-participation recommended by the United Nations to design a framework to evaluate Taiwan’s e-participation mechanism. Through three dimensions – institution, participation, and technical tools, document analysis and in-depth interview were used to conduct this research in order to compare the operations between vTaiwan and Join. The result of this research shows that vTaiwan and Join have differences in patterns of operation, placing importance on organization, and resulting from different level of participation. On vTaiwan, most of participants is familiar with internet and gives recognition to the Minister without Portfolio for her attitude being responsible for the operation. As a result, these participants generally have higher willingness to participate and can reach a consensus easily; therefore, vTaiwan has established a prospective experimental model for Taiwan’s e-participation in public policy. The Join platform is lack of the discussion of bringing participants’ opinions into the process of decision making; hence, it has less influence upon policy making. However, the Join platform has its contribution on institutionalization of the mechanism for Taiwan’s e-participation in public policy making as well as to introduce itself into ministries. Nevertheless, both vTaiwan and Join have common problems, such as lack of comprehensive laws and regulations corresponded to their operations, insufficient integration into administrative operations, a relatively narrow group of users, sometimes information provided that is difficult to understand, and function of mediators varied because of different personality, etc. In conclusion, this research provided governmental agencies with several suggestions, which are learned from the experiences of vTaiwan and Join, for establishing a two-way and open channel of communication and space for dialogue by making good use of information and communication technology (ICT).


Public Policy e-Participation vTaiwan Join e-consulation


