  • 學位論文


Comparison of hexadecane utilization by bacteria isolates from coastal water of Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝文陽


碳氫化合物為石油的主要成份之一。本實驗室於2008年分離出二十九株能夠以十六烷作為單一碳源生長的分離菌,其中六株菌株經半年保存培養後失去其分解活性。將分解效率最高之四菌株作為研究對象,鑑種並利用氣相層析儀探討它們在本實驗室之人工海水、含有機營養鹽的人工海水與過濾海水間降解十六烷之差異。經16S rDNA序列分析與生理生化特性測試,判定四菌株HD5、HD8、HD51、MO27分別為Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus、Alcanivorax dieselolei、Marinobacter mobilis、Alcanivorax balearicus,並發現過濾海水相較於人工海含有能夠促進菌株適應新系統的成份。含量較高的氮鹽、磷鹽等營養鹽或有機營養物質能助長菌株HD5和菌株MO27對十六烷的利用;同屬之HD8、MO27二菌株擁有不同基因序列與alkB基因數量,且其對三種系統環境的反應也不同。


The main composition of petroleum oil is hydrocarbon. Our laboratory isolated 29 bacterial strains which were able to utilize hexadecane as sole carbon source in 2008. After conserving strain sources for six months, six strains lost hydrocarbon-degrading ability. Four of the fastest growing bacterial strains were selected as material to study their hexadecane-utilization efficiency in three culture conditions: artificial seawater, artificial seawater with organic nutrient and filtered natural seawater. Strain HD5, HD8, HD51 and MO27 were identified as Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus, Alcanivorax dieselolei, Marinobacter mobilis and Alcanivorax balearicus. Bacterial cells could adapt to new system more quickly in filtered natural seawater than in artificial seawater. Higher nitrogenous and phosphoric nutrients or organic nutrient content can improve hexadecane utilization by isolates HD5 and MO27. HD8 and MO27, classified as the same genus, had different gene sequences and number of alkB genes, and had different reactions to three culture conditions.


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