  • 學位論文


Using the Behavior of Amphibian for the Ecological Engineering Design of Aquatic Banks

指導教授 : 侯文祥


人為過度開發造成臺灣水岸混凝土化日益嚴重,但陸水共生之生物大部分生態系統行為多在水岸邊發生,臺灣目前尚無相關設計規範可供參考。本研究選擇八種涵蓋臺灣各地水域,與水岸環境密切的兩棲生物,探討其棲地與行為特性關係,期能改善水岸因混凝土化所造成之生物棲地破壞問題。實測其體長、體重、趾表面積、四肢攀爬能力、跳高與跳遠能力,以最適合的四種基質與對照組混凝土基質比較,配合五種邊坡坡度,量測兩棲類活動能力,依臺灣季節影響基質表面溫濕度的變化,探討對於兩棲類攀爬能力的影響。實驗結果得知,不論是在卵石或木質基質,於45°邊坡上日本樹蛙的單位體重攀爬能力只有面天樹蛙的16-17﹪。至於體型與行為能力之差異性,以同為赤蛙科之斯文豪氏蛙與腹斑蛙為例,雌性第一群中,斯文豪氏赤蛙較腹斑蛙在體重方面高63﹪;體長高30﹪;四肢肉趾表面積高44﹪;而行為能力方面,跳高能力高15﹪;跳遠能力高29﹪,可知同科別中,體型與行為能力有明顯差異。 在攀爬能力方面,兩棲類體型影響極大,依兩棲類體型由大而小,依序為盤古蟾蜍、褐樹蛙、拉都希氏赤蛙與日本樹蛙等作比較,大部分之兩棲類適應坡度能力,顯示應小於30°為佳。若將條件設定為木質邊坡30°,盤古蟾蜍幾乎無攀爬能力;日本樹蛙則高出褐樹蛙59﹪;褐樹蛙高出拉都希氏赤蛙67﹪。本研究之水岸邊坡基質與坡度組合,對於日後從事改造地方本土化水岸生態工程技術之相關工程人員能提供有用資料。


生態工程 邊坡基質 攀爬能力 兩棲類


The concreting process on water banks caused by inappropriate human development became a serious problem in Taiwan; however, most ecosystems of amphibian animals took place on lake banks, yet there was no related design solutions offered in Taiwan. This research selected eight species of amphibians in Taiwan. To discuss their habitats and behavioral characteristics in order to manage the problem of water banks. With measuring of each amphibian’s body length, weight, toe pad area, climbing ability, high jump ability, and long jump ability, this experiment was designed to compare concrete with four substrates which found most suitable in the experiment. Matching them with five appropriate bank angles to test amphibian’s motility, and furthermore, to identify the relation between amphibian’s abilities and surface substrates of water banks as humidity and temperature differ in four seasons. The result showed that if comparing per weight’s climbing ability of Chirixalus idiootocus and Buergeria japonicus, those two in the same family and of similar size, on the 15° bank slope, Buergeria japonicus’ climbing ability was only 17% of Chirixalus idiootocus’s on pebble substrate, but when the experiment was conducted on wood substrate, Buergeria japonicus’ climbing ability would down to 16% of Chirixalus idiootocus’s. If we took the example of Rana swinhoana and Rana adenopleura of Rana family to discuss their body sizes and behavioral ability’s differences, in the first female group, the weight of Rana swinhoana’s was 63% heavier than Rana adenopleura, as body length 30% longer than Rana adenopleura, and toe pad area 44% larger than Rana adenopleura. In the aspect of behavioral ability, Rana swinhoana performs 15% better in the field of high jump ability and 29% better with long jump. What was found in the results was that even in the same family, each amphibian may differ significantly in body size and behavioral ability. In the aspect of climbing ability , the body-size variable was an crucial factor, and if amphibians were ranked by size, the order was – Bufo bankorensis, Burgeria roubstus, Rana latouchii, and Buergeria japonicus – generally most amphibians adapted better on bank slope under 30°. Bufo bankorensis almost showed no climbing ability at the 30° slope, wooden bank, while Buergeria japonicus’ climbing ability was 59% stronger than that of Burgeria roubstus, and Burgeria roubstus’ climbing ability was 67% stronger than Rana latouchii’s. This research adopted multiple combinations of lake banks’ substrates and angles could serve as a reference for technicians’ in future ecological engineering on lake banks in Taiwan.


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