  • 學位論文

IoTBench: 物聯網基準程式集

IoTBench: An benchmark suite for Internet of Things

指導教授 : 楊佳玲


物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT) 是科技應用上的一種新形態。它利用廣佈於環境中的智慧型裝置收集資料並在裝置間互動處理。為了能夠處理大量資料並聰明地提供資訊與建議,這些物聯網裝置必須俱備相當的運算能力與高效率的通訊策略。然而,由於缺乏俱有合格的基準程式來代表物聯網中多元的應用,物聯網裝置上相關的效能研究相當貧乏。 這篇論文提出了IoTBench,是第一個針對物聯網裝置應用所設計的基準程式 集。本程式集中包含了四個主要分類與八支具有代表性的程式。我們在論文中檢視了IoTBench在現今熱門的物聯網硬體平台上的計算需求與執行效率。我們也藉由分析方法來找出IoTBench在能量消耗上的特性。整體來說,IoTBench替未來新式的硬體架構設計與物聯網系統開發建立了基礎。我們也期待本文中的特性分析可以對整體物聯網發展帶來更多啟發。


Internet of Things (IoT) is the new paradigm where the widespread intelligent devices collect data from the environment and automatically interact with others. To process a great amount of data and provide human with information and suggestion, IoT devices must have a scalable computational ability and an efficient communication strategy. However, due to the lack of benchmarks representative to the diverse IoT applications, there are limited performance studies on IoT devices. This thesis presents IoTBench, the first benchmark suite targeting at IoT edge-device applications. This suite includes eight most representative programs from four major IoT categories. We investigate the computational demand and execution efficiency of these benchmarks running on a popular IoT device platform. We also analyze and characterize the energy consumption of IoTBench using analytic approaches. Overall, IoTBench establishes a foundation for innovative architecture design and system solution of IoT applications. We also expect the characterization study and insights can inspire future development of IoT edge devices.


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