  • 學位論文


The practice of self-regulation of three satellite news channels from the perspective of P. Bourdieu’s view of social field – The case study of reporting double homicide in New Taipei City’s Bali District

指導教授 : 張錦華


八里雙屍案中,衛星電視新聞台大幅炒作新聞,凸顯媒體審判的問題,引發自律爭議。案件還在偵辦中,犯罪嫌疑人就已被媒體未審先判、挖掘隱私,嚴重侵害嫌疑人的基本人權。然而,STBA集體自律機制(衛星公會)自2006年運作以來,有一定成效,也明訂犯罪新聞的自律規範;2011年後,各台也紛紛成立頻道自律機制(倫理委員會)。為什麼有些新聞台還是衝破自律的防線呢? 本文以布迪厄(P. Bourdieu)場域觀點,探討衛星電視台的新聞自律運作。新聞場域的互動因素包括:追求秀異、資本、新聞專業、消息來源、同業競爭、收視率,以及法律、他律、自律等「三律共管」架構下的新聞自律。各新聞台在產製八里雙屍案的犯罪新聞報導時,引發哪些自律爭議?八里雙屍案的新聞產製過程中,新聞工作者會受到哪些場域互動因素影響? 本研究的研究方法為內容分析、記者及各機構委員訪談分析。研究結果發現,三家新聞台引發的自律爭議:大幅炒作命案的比例原則問題,在報導中模仿社會新聞節目、談話性節目手法,新聞愈趨八卦化、戲劇化。媒體有罪審判的情形嚴重,甚至將嫌疑人妖魔化,侵犯嫌疑人公平審判的權利。此外,檢警明明謹守偵查不公開,但卻意外造成媒體捕風捉影,轉而報導嫌疑人的隱私。 新聞台經營者對收視率或是新聞專業空間的重視,影響組織場域的氛圍,更形塑記者不同的自律意識。東森小心推敲NCC的法律紅線,也積極遵守STBA的自律規定,在追求收視率的同時,傾向衝撞模糊地帶;東森記者積極配合,也對收視率的表現自豪。中天以收視率為依歸,但因為常被NCC裁罰,小心翼翼踩紅線;中天記者角色被動,自主權不大。TVBS透過新聞專業展現積極的新聞自律層次,TVBS記者自律意識較能發揮;但在同業競爭壓力下,也不得不跟進報導八卦話題。 雖然三律機制在八里雙屍案中發揮的效果有限,但三律共管架構下的新聞自律確實已在各新聞台場域中發揮作用,也因此發現各機制仍有改善的空間。


This thesis focuses on the problems of trial by media and media self-regulation in the television news of “double homicide in New Taipei City’s Bali District.” Since 2006, the Satellite Television Broadcasting Association (STBA) has established crime reporting regulations, and some satellite television channels have also constructed their own ethics committees since 2011. However, some channels still violate the regulations while reporting the double murder case. This thesis inspects the practice of self-regulation from the perspective of P. Bourdieu’s social field theory. The factors that affect the journalistic field are distinction, capital, journalistic professionalism, news sources, competitions among TV channels, TV ratings, and journalistic self-regulation which contain aspects of law, heteronomy, and autonomy. The methods used in this thesis are content analysis of the news videos and interview surveys with journalists, members of the ethic committees of National Communications Commission (NCC), STBA and three channels (ETTV, CTI, TVBS). The results show that the news videos have the problems of trial by media, exceeding amount of crime news, sensationalization and dramatization. Due to the confidentiality of investigations, the media even shift their attention from case details to related-persons’ private lives. The importance of rating points and journalistic professionalism also affects media self-regulation. The thesis thus concludes that although the co-regulation of law, heteronomy, and autonomy all take effect on journalistic self-regulation in this case, there is still room for improvement on crime reporting.


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