  • 學位論文


A Study on the Entry Strategy of BIPV Applications for Taiwanese Thin Film Solar Cell Manufacturers

指導教授 : 李吉仁


全世界太陽光電產業在2008年已達到年產量5.5 GW的規模,並以年複合成長率40%的速度持續成長,預計到2010年可達到17GW的年產量。目前太陽光電產業以晶片型太陽電池為主流,約佔九成的市場,薄膜型太陽電池則約僅佔6%的市場。快速成長的太陽光電產業雖然吸引許多廠商的投入,然受限於晶片型太陽電池上游原料多晶矽供應不足的問題,許多新進廠商選擇投入生產薄膜型太陽電池,並以建築整合型(BIPV)應用業務的潛力,作為與晶片型太陽電池廠商的差異化。本研究的目的在探討應用薄膜太陽電池於建築整合型業務之可行性,以及廠商可採取的策略。 本研究首先陳述各種太陽電池的結構、製程、特性與應用市場,經由產業分析及價值鏈分析,歸納出晶片型太陽電池之主要應用市場為屋頂型(Roof Top)及地面發電站(Ground Mounted),而薄膜型太陽電池之主要應用市場為地面發電站與BIPV。地面發電站之市場特性為標準化產品,注重大量生產低成本化的國際市場;而BIPV市場特性則為客製化產品,注重少量多樣差異化的區域市場。由於多數薄膜型太陽電池廠商係以大量生產為目標建置生產設備與流程,如欲進入BIPV利基市場,必須配合客製化之建築需求調整,方具備開拓BIPV市場之條件。 因BIPV屬區域市場,薄膜型太陽電池進入此一市場,將侵蝕當地既有之建築玻璃市場,因此,除了太陽電池廠商彼此之競爭外,薄膜型太陽電池廠商也同時將面對建築玻璃廠商之競爭。台玻在台灣之建築玻璃市場具有近似獨佔之地位,本研究以價值網模型,分析薄膜型太陽電池廠商與台玻之競合關係,彼此不只存在供應商與客戶之關係,也同時存在著互補者與替代者兩種角色。從價值基礎策略之角度,本研究因此建議台灣之薄膜型太陽電池廠商應與台玻策略聯盟,並採用首先進入BIPV市場的策略,以掌握首動優勢,並建構後進者的障礙。


The world production of solar power is expected to grow from 5.5GW in 2008 to 17GW in 2010 at annual compound growth rate of 40%. Currently, wafer-based solar cell dominates almost 90% of the total photovoltaic market while the thin-film solar cell shares only 6% of the market. Such tremendous growth attracts many new entrants in Taiwan. Those entrants cut into the segment of thin-film solar cells due to the concern of shortage of poly-silicone essential for producing wafer-based solar cells, and consequently seek the potential opportunity in building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) applications against wafer-based solar cells. The issue of developing a feasible and viable entry strategy of BIPV applications for Taiwanese thin-film solar cell manufacturers motivates the present research. The research starts from postulating the structure, production process, characteristics and applications of various solar cells. After analyzing the photovoltaic industry and its value chain, the study points out that Roof Top and Ground Mounted are two major applications for wafer-based solar cells, and Ground Mounted and BIPV are the major applications for thin-film solar cells. Ground Mounted application has international market scope and competes on the basis of low cost through standardization and mass production. Contrararily, BIPV applications are more local-oriented and customer-made. The current production facilities of Taiwanese thin-film solar cell manufacturers are built for mass production rather than small batch and customization. So, it is crucial for the thin-film solar cell manufacturers to change the production facilities to accommodate the requirement of customization for BIPV applications before pursuing the BIPV market opportunities. As BIPV is a local application, there exists a certain degree of market cannibalization between thin-film solar cell manufacturers and local glass manufacturers. In that case, the thin-film solar cell manufacturers will compete with Taiwan Glass which is almost the monopolist of the local architectural glass market. Based on the value net analysis, we found that the relationships between thin-film solar cell manufacturers and Taiwan Glass are both complementor and substitutor. This research suggests that thin-film solar cell manufacturers pursue value-based strategy by engaging strategic alliance with Taiwan Glass so that first- mover advantages and entry barriers can be established in the BIPV market.


European Photovoltaic Industry Association, EPIA http://www.epia.org/

