  • 學位論文


The Emotional Essence of Li QingZhao’s YiAn Ci Style

指導教授 : 劉少雄


李清照是宋代最負盛名的女詞人,易安詞在當世頗受關注,南宋詞人甚至有標榜「效易安體」的詞作,「易安體」一詞的出現,意味易安詞的體貌風格已自成一家。本文認為「易安體」的最大特色,應是「柔中有韌」的言情姿態,這也正是一種出入秀豪之間的詞情特質。詞情特質本是一種情感與文字交織而成的美感情調,故本文選擇從「詞情特質」的角度切入,欲兼顧外在語言與內在情意的研析,以期更周延地詮釋「易安體」的內涵。 由於詞情特質亦是詞人、詞體與文化共同作用下的綜合產物,本文的研究方法將融合內在研究與外緣研究。內在研究即針對易安詞的文本,直接分析語言形式與詞情內涵,同時輔以易安的詩文論證,外緣研究則涉及文化共相、作者生平事蹟、人格體性與創作態度,以及文體傳統的考察。 在分析易安詞文本之前,首先必須釐清易安對詞體本質與規範的認知,可從〈詞論〉這篇論詞專文著手。在文本分析方面,本文欲由外至內,先分析易安體「跌宕昭彰」的語言表現,在篇章結構的層次上觀察跌宕變化的歷程,再聚焦於易安體「亦秀亦豪」的詞情世界,論述「亦秀亦豪」的成因與深層內涵,最後分別從前後期詞論證易安體的詞情特質。 研究發現:在詞體詩化的風潮中,易安〈詞論〉有意追求合樂歌詞的本色,主張「詞別是一家」,具有濃厚的辨體意識,她一方面強調詞體諧樂合律的特質,另一方面則要求融入文人「雅化」的品味,成為既合樂又文雅的歌詞。 易安體「跌宕昭彰」的語言特色則集中在動態意象、句法特徵與時空情景設計三方面,易安體的動態意象能展現出作者的行動力與機動性,其句法特徵則經營迴環往復的節奏效果,進而形成情理之跌宕。至於易安體的時空情景設計,其情景安排上有「景隨情動」的特徵,其構篇主軸又可再細分為眼前時空流轉與南北今昔對照兩種,以上俱可促成跌宕昭彰的語言表現效果。 「跌宕昭彰」的語言效果恰能彰顯「亦秀亦豪」的詞情變化。論及「亦秀亦豪」的成因與深層內涵,須明辨當代以雅為尚與南渡時代動蕩的影響,易安的個人體性也是形塑詞情特質的關鍵,她的個性好勝自信不服輸,形成不願落入俗套的文學創作心理,文學創作更是其志業所在,寄望透過文章傳世留名,以上都涉及「亦秀亦豪」的成因與內涵。值得注意的是:易安既有男性文士的豪情,同時也懷抱纖柔細膩的「詞心」,與詞體要眇宜修之美相得益彰。 本文認為,易安不同時期與不同主題的詞作,都體現出「亦秀亦豪」的詞情特質。「亦秀亦豪」的詞情特質確實能全面統攝「易安體」,它同時反映詞人、詞體與文化的交互影響,亦可詮釋「跌宕昭彰」的語言效果,兼及文學作品的形式與情感層面。易安體的「亦秀亦豪」掌握了詞體最基本的本質——跌宕之姿與婉曲之致,在詞體演變的過程中,易安體的「亦秀亦豪」可以說是重要的一環。


李清照 易安體 詞情 亦秀亦豪 跌宕


The main concern of this thesis is to explore the emotional essence of Li QingZhao’s “YiAn ci style(易安體).” As a rare female ci writer, Li QingZhao, also known as YiAn, has been famous for her linguistic, artistic skills in her time. In Southern Song dynasty, some writers even imitate her “YiAn ci style.” This thesis believes “YiAn ci style” includes not only linguistic skills, but also mental toughness in the delicate tone. The thesis infers that the emotional essence of “YiAn ci style” is both elegant and unconstrained(亦秀亦豪). Since the emotional essence is formed by the sentimental and formal characteristics of the literary works, and also influenced by the writer’s personalities, traditions of the genre of ci, and the cultural background, this thesis must give consideration to both intrinsic and extrinsic study. The major strategy of this research is to analyze Li QingZhao’s ci, poems, and articles, especially her Ci Theory(〈詞論〉). The research also clarifies the linguistic, formal characteristics in her ci, as well as her personalities and social background. The thesis expects to investigate the causes and aspects of being elegant and unconstrained in ci. This thesis discovers that Li QingZhao advocates ci with music as lyrics in her Ci Theory. She also insists on the taste of the literati in writing ci. As for the linguistic, formal characteristics of “YiAn ci style,” the thesis elaborates on the dynamic imagery, the syntax, and the arrangement of time and space in Li QingZhao’s ci. These all highlight the ups and downs(跌宕) of connotations in her ci, reinforcing the emotional essence of being elegant and unconstrained. Additionally, the taste of literati in Song dynasty and southward movement(南渡) deeply affect Li QingZhao’s writing. Besides, being confident and competitive makes her pursue uniqueness while writing ci. Furthermore, determined to leave her name, she regards writing as a lifelong career. These help Li QingZhao’ ci become elegant and unconstrained. However, although Li QingZhao appears to be quite masculine and heroic as male writers, she still has feminine, delicate sense, which well matches the nature of ci. The thesis also confirms that the emotional essence of Li QingZhao’s ci is quite consistent in spite of the distinctive topics and periods of writing. With the delicate tone, there is always the power to extricate oneself from the predicament, showing ups and downs of the writer’s sentiment. In conclusion, “YiAn ci style” can be properly explained by the idea of emotional essence of being elegant and unconstrained, which reflects the interactions of the writer, the genre and the culture. Most importantly, the emotional essence of “YiAn ci style” corresponds to the essential aspects of ci, namely, the euphemistic tongue and the sentiment of ups and downs. In the history of ci’s development, “YiAn ci style” definitely plays an important role.


